The Story of the Olympic Games, a go-to for a kid’s view on the games

The Story of the Olympic Games is a bold title for a book that’s geared to upper elementary through middle school readers. As of 2021, the Olympic Games have been around since 1896 and consist of 28 editions that have spanned the globe. Older readers are rightly questioning how a book could encompass such a massive event on arguably the biggest athletic stage in the world. Certainly, key moments would be missed and readers who know the Olympics might quibble about how they couldn’t include this or that. The fact that The Story of the Olympic Games is an engaging book to read is a testament to the adage, ‘brevity is the soul of wit’.

The Story of the Olympic Games is a beautiful book with tons of photos and content blurbs about each of the games in the modern era.
A great jumping off point for kids who want to see Olympic history
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