Ultimate Spider-Man Web Warriors, Contest of Champions #1

For young readers who are looking for a low impact, non committal, fun way to read all age comics the mini-series is your best bet. Ultimate Spider-Man Web Warriors: Contest of Champions #1 is the start of a mini-series that’s modeled after Marvel series that airs on Disney XD. This is still Spider-Man, but it’s the all age version that is easily approachable to younger readers, say ages 5 and up.

In this mini-series our web-warrior is minding his own business (as he usually is), when he’s tricked by Scourge, Abomination and Beetle to a meeting. A brief battle ensues when Spidey swings around the city and slams into a massive force field that someone has placed the entire city. He’s quickly teleported to The Collector’s Ship where he learns that a sibling game is going on between him and his brother called the Contest of Champions.

Spidey, spider-man, ultimate spider man, contest of champions, marvel, comics, all age comics

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