Our Skylander party, talkative children and bonding over video games #Ad

The children in our neighborhood like us.  I sent out the call that I needed guests to play Skylanders SWAP Force.  The parents must have thought I was trying to open up my own daddy day camp, but I assured them that I just wanted the kids to come over and play Skylanders.  Win/win, the kids go someplace so the adults can relax and the kids get to have fun. Skylanders party TV

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Planning our Frito-Lay and Skylanders party while saving money-giveaway too #ad

Two things:  it’s good to have fun and it’s good to save money.  Skylanders is also good.  Skylanders SWAP Force is also good fun.    One of the great things about Skylanders is that every kid who plays the game immediately has a favorite and it’s difficult enough to be competitive, but not impossible.   Speaking of a favorite have you voted for your favorite member of the Skylanders Trap Team™ hero finalists yet?


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The Relay 3 Button headphones by SOL Republic keep it in your ears #bpopevents

My wife loves to dig the music when she works out.  She pumps iron and #HumbleBrag, has recently gotten her mile time down to her goal.  The Relay 3 Button Headphones from SOL Republic are exactly for situations like this.

Relay 3 Button headphones by SOL Republic

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Join the #HasbroSpringGifts twitter party on 4/4 at 2PM ET

Because:   toys.  The #HasbroSpringGifts twitter party is Friday, April 4 at 2PM ET.  We’ll be talking about all of the perfect Easter basket ready and spring toys that Hasbro has to offer.  Name a brand of toys and it’s in the Hasbro roster.   Angry Birds, Star Wars, Nerf, Marvel, Sesame Street, Transformers-you name it they’re in there.

HasbroTwitterParty, #HasbroSpringGifts on April 4, 2PM ET

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Marvel Super Hero Mashers mash up toys giveaway

The other day we reviewed Hasbro’s Marvel Super Hero Mashers.  It’s a mash-up action figure that allows you to put heads, arms and legs onto the torso of other super heroes.  That way you could have a Doctor Doom/Spidey/Hulk/Thor figure that would be an angry Norse God with a metal mask that can swing from webs.  The creation is up to you, but we’re also giving one Marvel Super Hero Mashers away.

Iron Patriot Super Hero Mashers win it from Daddy Mojo

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Marvel Super Hero Mashers mash ups toys fill an action toy void-review #MyMashUp

Marvel Super Hero Mashers mash up toys fill (or create) a void in the children’s toy world.  You’ve got your block type toys (LEGO or KREO) that you physically make things like ships, creatures and your action toys that come fully assembled.  These mash-ups toys from Hasbro have interchangeable parts where everything but the torso can be switched out to another hero or villain.

Hasbro Marvel Super Hero Mashers review by Daddy Mojo

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It’s a dad blogger dream, a #HotWheels twitter party w/Kmart, 2/12 at 1PM ET

It’s been said that the most expensive habit a guy ever has starts at .98.  The subtle joke being that a Hot Wheels car is like a potato chip, you can’t have just one.  I still have mine from back when I was a kid, our children have dozens of them and a couple of racing sets.  All of this leads to the #HotWheels twitter party with Kmart on 2/12 at 1PM ET.  We’ll have $200 in gift cards, which don’t have to be spent on Hot Wheels, but if you’re like this dad blogger and have boys you’ll probably end up using it for that anyway.

Join the #HotWheels twitter party with Kmart on 2/12 at 1 PM ET

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The 2014 Toyota Tundra 1794 Edition review

When they dropped off the 2014 Toyota Tundra 1794 Edition for me to test drive I was immediately taken back by how big and red it was.  Granted the red will vary, especially if yours is a different color.  The size, however, will remain the same and it’s a big full size truck.  “Wow, it’s like a TARDIS”, I said to the person dropping off the truck.

The 2014 Toyota Tunda 1794 Edition Edition in driveway side

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