The book was better. Anyone who has ever seen a movie that was based on a book has certainly heard, “the book was better” by some friend or critic that wanted to sound like they discovered it first. Superheroes are unique to this because they have so many stories that catch-all phrase is more difficult to attribute to one book. With comic books it’s more of a story arc and there are some amazing stories for superheroes out there. That’s the benefit of reading or collecting graphic novels, in that the collection process of being able to read the entire story arc has been done. The Amazing Spider-Man, Web-Slinger, Hero, Icon is by Rich Johnson and is a coffee table style book whose beauty and collected works demand to be seen by webhead fans.
Happy New Comic Book Day! That happens every Wednesday for most of you, like Boom! Studios, IDW, Marvel, Image, Oni Press, Action Lab, and Archie Comics. For those of you keeping score, that’s every comic book house except for DC Comics, whose books come out on Tuesday. Regardless of who you’re celebrating, make it a good one and phone ahead to your local comic book store so that they can save books for you. Now, let’s look at the all-age-comic books that are arriving this week.
Our oldest son is 11 now and he’s been enjoying The Amazing Spider-Man for two years now. The Amazing Spider-Man #101 is being re-released in a facsimile edition. This is cool because it’s the first appearance of Morbius and the facsimile edition means that it’s printed the way it was in the 70s, vintage ads, letters to the editor, and everything. This comic book, even in its modern incarnation is fine for a 10-year-old. There might be one or two bad words in the comic book, but it’s nothing they’re not hearing in school or on TV.
Marvel Action is one of the best all-age titles out there. It’s a team-up between Marvel Comics and IDW Publishing. Marvel Action Origins #1 is out this week and takes a look at two Marvel characters and their origin story. Granted, we need another Peter Parker origin story like a hole in the head, thankfully the other origin story in this comic is Thanos. Each subsequent issue will also feature two characters from the MCU.
What are you reading this week? Let us know in the comments or hit us on Twitter to share the all-age comic book 411 that we’re missing.
This week in all age comic books has lots of great graphic novels that will appeal to a wide variety of readers. If you have a (mainly) girl reader who likes humor then The Magical Adventures Pheobe and Her Unicorn is a must-read series. That graphic novel comes out this week and is hilarious. It’ll mainly skew towards girl readers, but those boys that pick it up will laugh just as much as the girls. To that end, the boys have a new graphic novel from Ben 10: The Creature From Serenity Shore that is loaded with the same elementary-aged monster fun that the show has.
In comic books, check out My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #89, The Amazing Spider-Man #46 and a couple others. We did pick up Transformers My Little Pony: Friendship in Disguise last week and absolutely loved it! It’s funny, loaded with ‘in’ jokes for Transformers and MLP fans and appropriate for ages 8 and up. Those younger fans might need some help reading it though. Below is a list of all age comic books this week. If you need to find your closest comic book store just check out comic book store locator.
This is the busiest week for all age comic books and graphic novels in 2020. From pre-k kids, crawlers, board books and all the way through high school there are some great comic books and graphic novels to entertain and educate readers. We say ‘educate’ in the most entertaining of ways. First up is Science Comics: Crows, which is an excellent, non-fiction graphic novel for middle school students and up. It’s funny, factual and will have kids wanting to read about these smart birds with a bad reputation. A slightly easier read is Journey Under The Arctic. This graphic novel is based in fact, but has a story element that some kids could mistake for non-fiction. It does a nice job at teaching kids about some of the animals that live in one of the coldest places on Earth. There are also lots of great all age comic books like Looney Tunes, Captain Marvel, Disney Princesses and more. In the podcast we’ll talk about all of these plus Snoopy First Beagle in Space, some great What Is The Story books and a couple others.
This Wednesday is new comic book day, #NCBD if you’re posting on social media and this is a great week for all age comic books. In the podcast we’ll talk in depth about Lumberjanes, Ghostbusters, Uncle Scrooge and our son’s favorite comic book. Also out this week is Cosmo The Mighty Martian on Archie Comics. This is a great ongoing series that will appeal to elementary school fans who want something fun and cool to read. The comic book is loaded with colors, sharp writing and lots of action. If your library likes Sonic then they’ll really enjoy Cosmo.
It’s the second new comic book day of 2020 and things are back to normal in the publishing world. There’s something for readers in early elementary school all the way through left of center reads for those teenagers. For young readers this week we’ve got Casper and My Little Pony. Those middle school folks will love Aquaman Giant. There are also three historical graphic novels about Marie Curie, Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin that allow you to learn as you have fun. The entire list is below and we’ll break out a handful more all age comic books-and why they’re great for certain ages in the podcast.