Tater Tales 2: The King of the World, a whole new rot (ten) world

The world of a character is only as big as the fishbowl it lives in. In the world of Rot, a mutant potato; he’s gone from solo stories to familial adventures that have taken place in illustrated books and early reader graphic novels. Tater Tales 2: The King of the World is the second release in this heavily illustrated chapter book series. One could also say that this is the second release in this early reader graphic novel series, and you’d be correct in that observation too. Whichever camp you’re in, this series is a knock-down great time, a hootenanny of early-elementary school joy that kids will laugh at as it’s read to them or grin with silent pleasure as they read it to themselves.

Tater Tales 2: The King of the World! establishes Ben Clanton’s Rot in an all-age graphic novel world of silliness, intelligence, and laughter.
Comfort food classic, but in a new, shiny wrapper.
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