The Presidents, Portraits of History-education via art

One of the most remarkable things about The Presidents Portraits of History by Leah Tinari is how non-political the book is. In a time where folks can’t say the most innocuous thing without it being viewed, positively or negatively through a political lens, Tinari has created a book that respects and casts every president as human. The Presidents is a big book. On the right pages in the book readers will see large drawings of each president through 2020.  In erratic sized font around each illustration are serious or obscure facts about each person.

The Presidents, Portraits of History is art that’ll make kids want to learn

Amy Wu and the Perfect Bao, family, cuisine, and culture

Amy Wu and the Perfect Bao is not a book about babies. My very limited Chinese knowledge knew that bao bao means baby.  Thus, this is obviously a book about Amy and her search for the perfect baby. I was wrong. Had I thought about it for a moment the very large dumpling on the cover should’ve pointed me in the correct direction. Instead, Amy Wu and the Perfect Bao is about a young girl in search of the perfect dumpling. It’s a book about family traditions, good food, not getting discouraged and learning how to do things by yourself.

Bao, family, dealing with frustration and joy make up this breezy illustrated book
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