Sci-Fi Junior High reaches reluctant young readers

From the dedication page of Sci-Fi Junior High it’s obvious that its creators are devotees of the classic science fiction properties. From Stan Lee, Space Ghost, Chewbacca, Burt Ward and more they go about thanking all of them for what they contributed to society. Thanks, is also what 8 year old science fiction fans will be saying to the authors after they read Sci-Fi Junior High too.

This is story of Kelvin, a middle school aged boy whose family has just moved to a new space station.  His mother is a neuroscientist and his father is a robotics engineer, but Kelvin is supposedly smarter than both of them. However, middle school is the same wherever you go, even if it’s in outer space. There are food fights, strange friendships, bad dad jokes, study groups, embarrassing parents and lots and lots of robots.

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