Family planning with White Lion

Becoming a dad and having children is a heavy, life altering responsibility.  It’s loads of fun, but does require planning and advance thought.  When my wife and I were thinking about having a baby she asked me for a motivational song to help us get pumped about the pending parenthood.

“How about Wait, by White Lion”, I said without missing a beat. Continue reading Family planning with White Lion

A Dad and his gift card stand united for Mom

Gift cards were probably invented by a man.  This man may or may not have been a dad, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that were the case.  This dad had probably purchased, once too often a blouse, skirt or moo moo that were not the color or style that his spouse wanted.

Then again, it’s possible that a woman invented the gift card.  This woman; was probably a wife, whose knucklehead husband once bought her a moo moo. Continue reading A Dad and his gift card stand united for Mom

Plastic pegs, decorating wives and drunk reindeer

The light timer is a magical invention.  Even outside of the Christmas season we have a couple timers that turn some of the lights on and off.   You can tell when my wife is home because every, literally, every light is on in the house.  She is single handedly trying to boost Georgia Powers annual profits.

So decorating for her during Christmas is a high point, both in enjoyment and watts used.    Continue reading Plastic pegs, decorating wives and drunk reindeer

A dad and mom play “did somebody step on a duck”?

As a stay at home dad I encounter lots of funny situations with my child.  Toilet jokes are the low hanging fruit in the blog world.  I made a pact with myself to avoid stories about the toilet, a moratorium if you will, for as long as possible.  I’m sure that when Baby Mojo gets to the potty training phase of life we’ll have more stories, some of which may actually be funny. 

 Speaking in a very technical sense, it’s not a story of the toilet, more accurately it’s a case of “did somebody step on a duck”?  Continue reading A dad and mom play “did somebody step on a duck”?

My marriage is not like an 8 track: New families and the stay at home dad

This past week a study came out on marriage from The Pew Research center.  You may have heard the highlights, mainly the fact that MARRIAGE IS ON THE DECLINE.  Well make me watch television infomercials, I thought my marriage was great and if the masses are getting out of this mom and dad racket then I’m not going to let the violin player beat me off this sinking ship. Continue reading My marriage is not like an 8 track: New families and the stay at home dad

What men, dads and fathers really think about

My wife is a talker.  Daddy Mojo is a thinker.  I listen a lot, talk a little-and even then it may be very fast or if I’ve been drinking, with a slight accent.   It wasn’t until a couple months into our relationship that she told me that she often couldn’t understand what I was saying; either because I was talking fast or with an accent, not that I needed to drink to be around her.  Continue reading What men, dads and fathers really think about

I’m keeping tabs on my neighbors

Even before I was a stay at home dad my ability to remember names in a timely manner left lots to be desired.   At previous jobs and social gatherings there were people who I genuinely wanted to know, but couldn’t remember their names.  I’ve tried mnemonic devices, like associating somebody with an action or thing that will trigger their name with something.  They do work occasionally, but then I have to remember somebody else’s name and the whole process gets gummed up inside my head.  Continue reading I’m keeping tabs on my neighbors

Daddy Mojo gets a hernia

This blog post is brought to you by the word “Pain”.

Nine years ago I was single with no children and had a hernia which caused me inconvenience and discomfort.  A couple weeks ago I noticed a bulge in my lower stomach and suspected that my old friend was rearing its’ head again.  Then, the bulge disappeared overnight.  Ha, ha sucker fake hernia I’m better than you!  Continue reading Daddy Mojo gets a hernia

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