Daddy Mojo tries to make the Top 25 Circle of Moms Dad Blogs

The set up is simple.  Countless Dad blogs enter the online octagon to make the list that Circle of Moms will put out for their Top 25 Dad Blogs.  You click on a link that votes for said Dad Blog and only the Top 25 Dad Blogs remain.  It’s kind of like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome and Circle of Moms is playing the Tina Turner part.

Continue reading Daddy Mojo tries to make the Top 25 Circle of Moms Dad Blogs

Is No Ordinary Family the best show on television?

Stay at home parents cherish time away from their child. We love them dearly, but those moments when we relax and have some adult time, watch television or read a book is a hot commodity. For those stay at home parents who have a part time job or home based business your time during the week is even more valuable.

I don’t, I can’t watch television during the week. I’d love to watch something every night of the week, but then my clients wouldn’t get their work done, my wife wouldn’t receive any conversation and Daddy Mojo wouldn’t get any reviews, commentary (or fart jokes) written. Having said that, I stop what I’m doing on Tuesday nights so I can watch No Ordinary Family on ABC. Continue reading Is No Ordinary Family the best show on television?

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-A new shower head

We wanted a new shower head.  The old one was gold plated, peeling and looked like it was from the 80s; and not the good 80s either, the bad 80s. Yup, the 80s’s had great moments, but this shower head was more like Saga than Pat Benetar and that’s not a good thing. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-A new shower head

The evolution of guy to husband to father: The Wardrobe

Guys are a tricky lot.  Sometimes aspects of our personality or behavior may not be what are best for hygiene, friendships or employment.  Part of that trickiness* can be attributed to youth, while other traits can only be laid solely on the backs of our Guy DNA. Continue reading The evolution of guy to husband to father: The Wardrobe

A parent’s view on Skins and a la carte television stations

As the parent to a toddler who just figured out that they can turn on the television I say who’s up for a good discussion on whether Skins is really child porn?  No? Ok, let’s engage in a debate over how the UK version of the show is much racier and the U.S. version is nothing, so us tight underwear Americans should chill out. Continue reading A parent’s view on Skins and a la carte television stations

Royal Marshall and unexpected happenings

I was reminded of a tidbit of advice that a married friend of mine gave me many years ago.  I was over at their house and his wife was going up the street to run a couple quick errands.  On her way out of the room he said “Hey, I Love you”. Continue reading Royal Marshall and unexpected happenings

Daddy Mojo sees a UFO

The other night my wife and I were watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  Aside from the clothing and cars, that movie has aged very well.  When those little spaceships were zipping around Devils Tower my wife said to me, “Do you remember when we saw that UFO?”

I had to think for a moment and then I did remember when we saw a UFO. Continue reading Daddy Mojo sees a UFO

A Dad (and Wife) review The Expendables and The A-Team

It’s two movies, so seemingly attached at the hip that they deserve to be reviewed together.  Over a three week period my wife and I saw both of these movies.  We weren’t locked in a room with these movies and neither one was so bad that it look an excessively long time to watch; we were just really busy caring for our toddler. Continue reading A Dad (and Wife) review The Expendables and The A-Team

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