Max and Bird-from colors to story is a great good-night book

Max the cat is back. More precisely, Ed Vere, the author and illustrator of Max is back with a new story about the black, round kitten with large eyes and a blue nose. Max and Bird is pre-K book comfort food that also makes up a great good-night book. The book is stacked with colors, has the characters in all manner of action and features many small words that will become a young reader’s first sight words. Max and Bird is also very cute and has a story that kids will understand.

Max, bird, Max and Bird, Ed Vere, childrens book, Continue reading Max and Bird-from colors to story is a great good-night book

Gobi, the true story of a desert dog

Emerging independent reader. That is a new title that we’ve learned this year now that our second grader has started school. For us it’s when he was in second grade and certain books, like this one, hit his sweet spot of reading.  Gobi, A Little Dog With a Big Heart is just a bit more difficult that that level, but its content is spot-on with what he wants to read about.

Gobi, Gobi desert, a little dot with a big heart, children’s book , Dion Leonard, Dion,

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When’s My Birthday is one that kids will want read to them

How many sleeps till my birthday? We start to get those questions about three months before the youngest one’s actual day. It’s a cute and precious thing when a child establishes a timeline based on sleeps. When’s My Birthday? is a children’s book that is intended to be read to them-and read to them with you inner theater major leading the charge. The more enthusiasm the better. It’s written for kids. That may sound obvious given that it’s a children’s book. However from its mixed medium art to the fact that there are no capitol letters, it’s apparent that the book is entirely meant to be read to children. This is the kind of book that young children will want read to them over and over, but especially near their birthday.

Whens my birthday, children’s book, Julie Fogliano, Christian robinson, birthday.

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Truckeroo School is rhyming, vehicle oddities via the looking glass

Truckeroo School is a book by David Kirk. Kirk is an author and illustrator who is well known from his work with Miss Spider, which kids in the know call Sunny Patch. That show ran for four years, from 2004-2008 and can still be seen today on any number of platforms. I mention all of this because new parents might not know that property or his David Kirk or his style of painting and writing. Based on Truckeroo School his style is Telletubbies, but mixed in with their Gremlin cousins who were fed after midnight. Accompany that with rhyming text that fans of Pout Pout Fish will appreciate and you’ve got a unique book that seems like it was left on this side of the looking glass by some wayward, yet very friendly monster.

Tuckeroo School, david kirk, truckeroo, Sunny patch, miss spider

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Today I Feel…is effective and simple children’s feelings with art.

I’ve always envied cartoonists that did one panel strips. They have one square or circle to make readers grin, laugh or think about something. Sometimes you get it, sometimes you don’t, but the sheer creativity and pressure those artists are under to do it is impressive. Today I Feel…. An Alphabet of Feelings by Madalena Moniz manages to do the same thing, but does it through the A, B, C’s of emotions that elementary school children will encounter.

Abc book, today I feel, an alphabet of feelings, madalena moniz, young reader, alphabet book

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Caveboy knows its audience and clubs them into fun submission

Do you know of a boy who between the ages of 5 and 8? The Caveboy book series from Bloom & Read has your number. Bloom & Read is an imprint from Bloomsbury that is aimed at newly independent readers. These are the young readers that are beyond sight words and reading chapter books, but want to read longer chapter books that make them feel like the big kids they are. The Adventures of Caveboy and Caveboy is Bored! are just the ticket for those first or second grade boys that want to read.

Caveboy, the adventures of caveboy, young reader, bloom & read Continue reading Caveboy knows its audience and clubs them into fun submission

Microsaurs: Tiny-Raptor Pack Attack is fun, action based, STEM reading

STEM is as STEM does and parents know that’s the path to children excelling in their education. But there are also the arts, creativity and letting your imagination go sideways that are also key aspects in making today’s students tomorrow’s leaders. So how does feeding dinosaur’s hot dogs and pizza factor into this? To answer that we need to jump into Microsaurs, Tiny-Raptor Pack Attack by Dustin Hansen and explore the small, yet large world he’s created.

Microsaurs, microsaurs tiny raptor pack attack, dustin Hansen, STEM, scientific method

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Guardians of the Galaxy 1000 Dot-to-Dot adds up to fun for 7 and up

Our seven year old doesn’t know who Thanos is. Truth be told, I don’t know the complete mythos of Thanos either, other than the fact that he’s the top of the food chain in villains for Marvel Comics. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was a great movie. The monthly comic book is one of the most consistently entertaining comics for us and now Guardians of the Galaxy 1000 Dot-to-Dot Book by Thunder Bay Press continues in their line of challenging, yet achievable mind puzzles.

Marvel, guardians of the galaxy, guardians of the galaxy dot to dot, rocket, groot, Thomas pavitte, Marvel heroes,

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