The Incredible Three and a Half Superheroes, not super or OK for young kids

The Incredible Three and a Half Superheroes, should in theory be a middle school book that I would love and highly recommend. It’s about superheroes, has loose happy drawings sprinkled throughout the book and has a playful vibe about it. And for a while it was all of those things, but then the book hit a couple four letter speed bumps and knocked the entire thing off course for us.

The Incredible Three and a Half Superheroes, not super or OK for young kids

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The Skunk smells wonderful and entertains all ages effortlessly

Patrick McDonnell is one of our favorite authors. He’s the guy behind Mutts, a comic strip (and countless books) that show the love, adventures and life of various domestic animals and the people that live with them.  Mac Barnett is the author of one of our favorite books in recent memory, Battle Bunny.  He also co-authored The Terrible Two, a very funny book for young readers that was recently green lit to become a movie. Combine the two of them in The Skunk and you won’t be disappointed.

The Skunk is a children’s book that smells wonderful and entertains effortlessly

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New All Age Comic Books for Wednesday, June 24, 2015

It’s the first official new comic book day of summer and it’s hot. Really, it’s been 90+ for the past 12 days and the extended forecast calls for the same. One grand way to beat that heat is to head out to your local comic book shop with the kids and dig on some all age comic books. There are also some cool graphic novels and hard cover books that we’re highlighting this week, plus one cool décor piece for the Doctor Who dads out there.

Futurama Comics #75 is always dependable, the new Mickey Mouse #1 comic comes out this week, a new story arc on Adventure Time starts this month, Skylanders, Donald Duck #2, Batman ’66 #24, Adventure Time #41 and others.

Fantagraphics has a couple hard cover books with old school Peanuts and Uncle Scrooge comics. Kids will also be interested in Dragons: Riders of Berk graphic novel. Netflix has a new original series Dragons: Race to the Edge that is supposedly very good and could spike interest in written content, so keep the aforementioned graphic novel on your radar.

The links will take you to Things From Another World and save you at least 20% on the titles. If you want to find you local comic book store just go here, find it and support small businesses.

New All Age Comic Books for Wednesday, June 24, 2015

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New all age comic books for Wednesday, June 17, 2015

If there is a theme this week for the new all age comic books it’s ‘fresh’. I don’t Kool and the Gang fresh, I mean newer titles that haven’t been around as long as the classics. There are still a handful of classic titles out this week, but by and large it’s new stuff that the kids are reading-and it’s great.

We’re excited about all of them, but are really curious to check out Mega Man. At this year’s Free Comic Book Day I looked over their offering and was impressed. This is a good time to jump on this comic because they’re in the middle of a crossover with Sonic. From what I’ve seen of it the series has enough action, while keeping the story and vocabulary OK for all ages.

Also of note this week is Teen Titans! GO, Usagi Yojimbo, Spongebob Comics Annual Swimtacular, Simpsons Comics, Lumberjanes and a couple books of old school Peanuts comic strips. The links will take you to Things From Another World and save you at least 20% on the titles. If you want to find you local comic book store just go here, find it and support small businesses.

New all age comic books for Wednesday, June 17, 2015

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The Whale in my Swimming Pool, disarmingly fun picture book

The Whale in my Swimming Pool is effectively named and cuts to the chase on the third page. A young boy is eager to hop into the swimming pool but finds that there is a whale already in it. It’s one of those round, plastic pools, so of course the whale takes up more than three times the size of the pool. From here the book really cooks and is clever, imaginative and so very simple that it’ll leave even the most frustrated child with a smile.

The Whale in my Swimming Pool, disarmingly fun picture book

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New All Age Comic Books for Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The new all age comic books this week offer something for every reader. It’s a huge week if you like titles that appeal to girls, boys, cartoons, classics or new stories that appeal to anyone. If you like Adventure Time you’ve got three options to choose from, a big Archie book, the start of Clarence and the final Mouse Guard Legends of the Guard. The Adventures of Aero-Girl also look really good with big, playful art and a story that has enough action and movement for anyone.

We’re really looking forward to Ghostbusters Get Real. The other week at MomoCon I met Erik Burnham who has handled stories for Galaxy Quest, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Johnny Bravo and many more all age comic books. He told me about a con that he went to recently and a fan told him about how they read comics to their child before bedtime. It was fast becoming this parent’s favorite time in their bedtime ritual because they could see how much fun the child was having.

That’s only one way that parents can use all age comic books. If your child is old enough to read then they’ll enjoy following the story at their own pace and there is an comic book for any child. Most stores will have an all ages section and the staff will certainly help you find the all age comic books because they want to sell them and it supports their future client base.

Here’s the list of all the new comics this week. The links will save you 10% over at TFAW, but if you want them today, just pop out to your local store.

New All Age Comic Books for Wednesday, June 10, 2015

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Normandy: A Graphic History of D-Day by Wayne Vansant review

At first glance, Normandy: A Graphic History of D-Day could be confusing to some readers. It’s a graphic novel with the word graphic in the title of the book about the history of D-Day. This graphic novel is historically accurate, so everything in the book is true and has realistic art accompanying the narrative. Author and illustrator Wayne Vansant has been drawing realistic war comics for years and has a series of graphic novels to help teach key points in the history of the United States military.

Normandy  A Graphic History of D Day by Wayne Vansant review

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New all age comic books for Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Oh what a week. This week for new all age comic books sees one that I’ve been waiting months for, the last as we know it, two new all age titles, some classics, one that makes us laugh out loud just by the cover and a new summer cross over worth checking out.

Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians is one that I’ve been waiting for since I heard about it. It’s wordless and features some dinosaur violence, so it might be too young for the really small kids, but our 5 year old will love this. And the art, on my, the previews I’ve seen for this are gorgeous and really put the art in comic book.

Archie is about to end. It’s issue 666 and number one, with entirely new drawings are coming. DC has two new all age comics, Bizarro and Bat Mite both start their six issue run and DC also has Looney Tunes #225 out also. Simpsons Illustrated is great for non-regular readers of Simpsons Comics, Mickey Mouse #1 comes out and Regular Show #24 simply makes us laugh by the cover. Our five year old also wants the new My Little Pony.

New all age comic books for Wednesday, June 3, 2015

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