Weird & Wild Animal Facts combines great images and short information

Weird & Wild Animal Facts by Jessica Loy has a very non-descript title. It sounds like a book that you might’ve seen before and forgotten about. However, Weird & Wild Animal Facts is a very solid book that’s engaging, entertaining and educational for kids of all ages. Any age will enjoy the book because of its pictures and multi-colored pages. However, the vocabulary is aimed at grades 4 and below; and while older kids will like the book they might crave something deeper.

Weird & Wild Animal Facts combines great images and short information

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My Dinosaur is More Awesome, silly average dino fun

We love dinosaurs in this  house. We have over 100 dinosaur figures of various sizes, our oldest yearns to see Jurassic World and he can still sing the ABC Dinosaur Train song.  My Dinosaur is More Awesome is a silly dino book that most kids will like, but its presentation lacks that certain something that allows us (and our kids) to really enjoy the book.

My Dinosaur is More Awesome, silly average dino fun 3

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Dinoblock is a must own for parents of dinosaur kids

“This is a great book and I absolutely love the layout. It’s a shame I can’t think of any way to continue the series”, I said to the book publishers after reading Countablock.  Alphablock was the previous book to that and they’re all by Christopher Franceschelli, with artwork by Peskimo. After Countablock I thought that the next book would be the symbols of the Periodic Table. Thankfully they had a better idea and did one on dinosaurs and Dinoblock is educational, fun to look at, durable and something that kids will absolutely love.

Dinoblock is a must own for parents of dinosaur kids

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New all age comic books for Wednesday July 15, 2015

Now is the time to get into some all age comic books with the kids. It’s a great chance to read to them and really get them excited about reading, which, in turn makes them more independent and want to learn. This week is a fabulous chance to get some of the best all age comics on the market today.

New all age comic books for Wednesday July 15, 205

Witness: Adventure Time, your kids love the show and this comic in in the same vein, it’s funny, has great art and is a stand-alone story so there’s no background information needed. Donald Duck and Walt Disney’s Comics & Stories have lots of vocabulary and the classic Disney art that kids love in brand new monthly stories. The kid who prefers a bit more indie cred will love Usagi Yoimbo, he’s a ninja rabbit in this black & white comic with action, art and just a bit of culture.

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The new all age comic books for Wednesday, July 8, 2015

It’s the middle of summer and a good week to get inside and dig the new all age comic books this week. There are some nice graphic novels out, a couple go-to single issues and one of the biggest  character revamps to his the all age market in generations.

Kids will love Scooby Doo Where Are You? #59, it’s always a safe bet. Spongebob Comics #46 is one that our oldest son loves and it’s easy to see why. It has several short stories, all of which have different styles of art, the characters are big, funny and they all already have a place in his mind. Guardians of the Galaxy Digest is an all ages look at our favorite superhero team. This series is funny, action packed and A-OK for kids of any age.

The biggest change comes for Riverdale’s own Archie. Archie #1 comes out with brand new artwork. Sure the stories in Archie the past couple of years have reflected contemporary themes, but the art has remained the same. That all changes with this issue.

The links will take you to Things From Another World and save you at least 20% on the titles. If you want to find you local comic book store just go here, find it and support small businesses.

The new all age comic books for Wednesday, July 8, 2015

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I, Fly is educational & fun about something that shouldn’t be

I, Fly, much like the book’s namesake comes up out of nowhere. This is an unassuming book that gets better, funnier and more interesting the more times that you read it. A fly comes in the window of a school room and asks the kids what they’re studying. I know that sounds like a bad joke, but in this case it’s how the book starts and it is quite funny to adults and children.  After reading the book several times to our children I think of flies in an entirely different light, although I do still valiantly try to smash them with the fly swatter.

I, Fly is educational and fun about something that shouldn’t be

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Tiny Hamster is a Giant Monster, silly all age reading fun

Based on a You Tube sensation. Not long ago that phrase and ‘movies that are produced by toy companies’ would’ve produced groans from me. However, it’s a brave new world and entertainment born on one platform can easily cross over to another. Proof of that is Tiny Hamster is a Giant Monster.

Tiny Hamster is a Giant Monster, silly all age reading fun

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New all age comic books for Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Summer road trips. That is why today is a great day to visit the comic book store to dig into the all age comic books. The kids are in the back seat, you can get a couple new reads to surprise them, plus there may even be some comics leftover from Free Comic Book Day. You’re in luck because this is a great week to jump into some new comics for any age.

Age of Reptiles is great for 10+. It’s all art, but some of the illustrations are dinosaur violence, if your child is OK with nature, predatory type things then buy this. The art is simply some of the prettiest that I’ve seen in any comic this year.

Bat Mite #2 and Bizarro #2 come out this week, they’re the mini-series from DC Comics that are about each character’s adventures. Mickey Mouse #2 comes out, as does My Little Pony: Friends Forever. Our oldest son asks about MLP all the time, he’ll be stoked that it comes out.

New all age comic books for Wednesday, July 1, 2015

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