Lumberjanes #18, believe the hype on this all age comic

Creating a great all age comic is thin line. Is it a boy’s comic? If so, don’t make it too girly or they’ll demo out of it quickly, if they read it at all. If it’s aimed at the girls then it’s a rare breed of comic that is usually set in Riverdale. * Lumberjanes is from Boom Studios and has been building buzz since its first issue.  We read it a couple times and meant to write about it, but got distracted by shiny objects or cat videos. However, after reading a handful of issues it’s apparent that Lumberjanes is the comic that you need to read that you might not be reading.

Lumberjanes 18, believe the hype on this all age comic

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Tales of a Fifth-Grade Knight-a young reader book packed with great imagery

Tales of a Fifth-Grade Knight has the imagination and wallets of older elementary school or middle age students its sights. It’s based on a simple premise that you’ve certainly heard before but what makes the book really stand out is the through-the-looking glass world you experience once things go sideways. The chapters are around 12 pages so they’re too long for a good-night book, but just right for those school age children that we mentioned.

Tales of a Fifth-Grade Knight

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Snow doubt, Are We There, Yeti? is a 1-pun book that small children will enjoy

Are We There, Yeti starts out with Yeti, the school bus driver being introduced. Yeti is about the take the kids on a trip and they want to know where they are going. Anyone who had driven children two or older around will have a Pavlovian response to the “Are we there yet” query. It’s closely related to the
“Are we done yet” query, but possibly more annoying because everyone involved in the conversation is trapped inside of a moving vehicle.  Are We There, Yeti? takes that question, makes the driver of the vehicle a Yeti, combines it with soft, muted art to create a good-night book that kids 2-5 will really get a laugh out of.

Are We There Yeti is a one pun book that succeeds for small children

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Not This Bear is pre-school comfort food

Our oldest grew up on the Biscuit books. We purchased the Happy Halloween Biscuit board book shortly after his birth and it’s been with us ever since. When he turned two we also got a couple from the I Can Read Book series and they’re still with us. Author Alyssa Satin Capucilli’s latest book, Not This Bear, is not a Biscuit book, but it has all of warmth, charm and approachability that you’d expect her stand out title to have.

Not This Bear is pre-school comfort food

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New All Age Comic Books for Wednesday, August 19, 2015

If you live in the southeast it’s only a scant couple of weeks before Dragon Con! Held over Labor Day in Atlanta it’s one of the nation’s largest cons, has massive fan sessions, an entire building (almost) full of collectibles, a parade that will leave you in awe and a crowd that will be about 70,000 deep. Don’t let that number scare you off, the parade is a must see for families and really is quite fun-even though some of the costumes are a bit too scary for the small kids.

Now-on with the new all age comics! Archie has been rebooted and is really fun, #2 comes out this week and is a great read for girls OR boys. Yeah, I said it. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #33 comes out this week too, again, it’s OK if the boys read it. There are two TMNT books out this week, #49 from the comic series and Mutanimals TBP, that collects a series of issues from the comic.

Our favorite release this week though isn’t even a comic, but it is all age appropriate and Star Wars. Star Wars Original Topps Trading Card Series Vol. 1. It collects all five of the series for the first Star Wars film in their Topps Trading Card glory in book form. These aren’t the original cards, it’s a book of the original cards, plus the trivia, stickers, story summaries, puzzle cards-everything except the gum.

Star Wars Topps Trading Card Series 2

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Here is how to get free comics from Papercutz for your library

We’re big fans of all age comic books here. In other news cat videos are fun to watch. OK, so both things you already know, but what if I told you there was a free way for libraries to get free magazines just for supporting graphic novel programming? Your library is already one supporting graphic novels and now they can score 100 free copies of Nickelodeon Magazine. It’s the new all ages comic magazine from Papercutz, the number 1 kid’s graphic novel publisher.

Here is how to get free comics from Papercutz for your library *really **FREE

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New All Age Comic Books for Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Did you hear that Target is going to gender-neutralize most of their children’s areas? I mention this because that’s cool. A building set is a building set and doesn’t need to be a boy’s or girl’s thing, they’ll figure it out which one they like to build on. Most of the all age comic books are like that too.  Sure there are exceptions, but by and large the new comic books this week for kids can be enjoyed by boys or girls.

Mickey Mouse, Scooby Doo Where Are You?, Sonic the Hedgehog, Spongebob Comics and Uncle Scrooge are all out this week. Sonic and Spongebob are much better than you might think. If you’re new to all age comics give them a look because odds are that your child is already very familiar with the characters and will really love it. Home also comes out this week. It’s based on the movie of the same name, but because it doesn’t have the voice over talent or predictable plot it’s worth a look in comic book form.

Ghostbusters Get Real #3 is also great. It has the spirit of the classic movie with updated elements to relate to today’s kids.

There are two Archie compilations released. This is not the update that they did to modernize the characters. These are the more rounded, comic looking characters  that you’re used to. TMNT has two books out, and while the stories there are OK for all ages, boys will be more attracted to the mutant turtles than girls. It’s the opposite for My Little Pony, more girls will be attracted to that title, but our son loves to read it also.

10 years of Mouse Guard? Yes. Mad Magazine? For those 9 or older, yes. There are lots of other options, just dig through the list to see what suits you. The links will take you to TFAW, where you’ll save at least 10% on each order. If you want to find your local comic book store you can do that too.

New All Age Comic Books for Wednesday, August 12, 2015


First Big Book of the Ocean is edu-reading at its best

We’re a National Geographic Kids Insider. All thoughts are our own and product was provided for review.  Our five-year old loves animals. He started out with farm animals when he was two and now he’s moved on to anything that walks, slithers, walked at one point, flies or swims. Our recent trip to the beach provided a nice opportunity for him to dig into First Big Book of the Ocean by Catherine D. Hughes. It’s published by National Geographic and has big enough words to be a challenge to middle schoolers while having great pictures and simple enough vocabulary for elementary assisted reading.

First Big Book of the Ocean is edu-reading at its best 3

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