Lion & Tiger & Bear: Tag! You’re It!, timeless for the young reader

Our oldest son has an old soul and not just by virtue that he was first born. He can be quite the contemporary child and run with his friends, talk about Star Wars and make up silly stories. There are moments though, as with any child, when his old soul gets the better of him and he just wants to chill out. He’ll doodle, do a connect the dots or a word search while his friends play outside-and that’s OK. Allowing children to find their space and making it OK for them to be in that area is the backbone of Lion & Tiger & Bear: Tag, You’re It!. It’s a book for young readers 5-7 that has big illustrations, fun characters and a timeless vibe that is created by the sum of its parts.

Ethan Long, Lion! Tiger! & Bear!, book, young reader, Hi!, tag

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All age comics for March 30, 2016

Holy all age comics with superheroes! This week is packed to the gills with action and humor packed superheroes. Usually it’s a two or three issue parade, but this week you’ve got your pick of the odd teens, mutant turtles and super ability folks to engage young readers. There are also a handful of humor titles that’ll jam on readers of Riverdale, the Disney Princess contingent and magical mountain villages.

In science fiction there are a couple Doctor Who books worth mentioning that have similarities to the Star Wars universe. Doctor Who Magazine #498 is for the fans and features a comic strip, interviews with the creators, merchandise and lots of Who stories. Doctor Who Adventures Magazine #11 has posters, comics and puzzle for the Doctor Who fan. The difference in these two is that the later magazine is for those fans that are slightly younger, say 8 and older. Both publications are OK for any age, but with the vocabulary and price point ($10.99 and $7.99) will mean that readers and parents who are Whovians only will want to dive into these two.

Dragons: Riders of Berk Collection, Figment 2: Legacy of Imagination, Ghostbusters International #3 and a couple others hit shelves for young readers too.

science fiction, all age comics, doctor who, young readers, humor, superheroes, skylanders, comic book

Hildafolk is a charming story for any age about a young girl who is daydreaming under a tree in the mountains and goes on a magical adventure. It’s from Nobrow Press and a creative book that is for those that want a fresh read to buzz on about.

Superheroes this week: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6, Skylanders Superchargers #6 and lots of others. What’s great about the all age comics this week that are superhero oriented is that they’re for boys or girls.

The links will take you to TFAW where you’ll save up to 20%. If you’re looking for savings that are 50% or greater dig into their Scratch and Dent area-it’s awesome. Looking for your closest comic book store? Dig into the Comic Book Store Locator and you’ll be there by lunchtime.



Science Fiction

All age comics for March 23, 2016

For new comic book day this week there are some cool, fresh titles in all age comics for your young reader to discover. There are also a couple classics and a vintage board game gets a Star Wars spin-or roll of the dice in this case.

In science fiction you can check out two new Doctor Who comics. These comics are OK for any age on the content, but the vocabulary is such that younger readers might not be attracted to it. Ages 9 and up should be able to read, understand, have fun with it and be their own Timelord.  Godzilla: Oblivion is a new five issue mini-series that your 11 year old and up can get into because of art and monster style combat. For ages 10 and up who love Risk they can get Risk: Star Wars, which recreates the final parts of Return of the Jedi.

All age comics, humor, science fiction, superheroes, jughead, Simpsons, Star Wars, super angry birds, guardians of the galaxy, Risk, doctor Who, Godzilla

Superheroes this week has Marvel Universe Guardians of the Galaxy, this is the all age comic that’s based on the Disney XD television series. The trade paperback of Super Angry Birds and a reprint of War of the Gods, a Wonder Woman story arc from the early 90’s are both great for folks who want longer form reading of their favorites.

Humor titles this week have the fifth issue of Jughead, Riverdale’s go-to hungry teen and closet romantic. Simpsons Illustrated #22 compiles three stories from Simpson’s Comics which is one of the best all age comics out there today. Invader Zim #3, Jem & The Holograms #13 and a couple other books also hit shelves this week to tickle the funny bone.

The links will take you to TFAW where you’ll save up to 20% on your order. Where is your closest comic book store? Just put your zip code into the comic book store locator and you’ll be there before you know it.  Free Comic Book Day is May 7; we’ll have more on that in the coming weeks including a look at the all age comics you can get for free that day.

Science fiction



How to Capture an Invisible Cat, fast paced, funny creative YA for all

There an known unknowns and unknown knowns, as the saying goes. Paul Tobin, the author of How to Capture an Invisible Cat is a writer whose work I followed for years, yet I never knew his name. He’s written comic books for Adventure Time, Prometheus: Fire and Stone, Predators, Bionic Woman, Plants vs. Zombies and lots of other title that I buy or read for fun. He’s also the author of the most enjoyable children’s book that we’ve read in the past six months out too.

How to Capture an Invisible Cat, Paul Tobin, genius, dog, young reader, adventure time, children’s books

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Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories #729 review

Our 4 year old absolutely loves Mickey Mouse. It’s his go-to streaming programming on Roku and that’s with only having a handful of Christmas or Halloween episodes. Thus, Mickey is his comic of choice, even though he can’t read yet. In 2015 IDW Publishing relaunched a variety of Walt Disney titles including Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories. The later was kept at its previous numerical sequencing to pay homage to the decades of work that went into the title.

Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Walt Disney’s Comics and stories, IDW Publishing, the zodiac pendant, Donald duck

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Any Fin Is Possible-the Zombie Goldfish adventures continue

To understand My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish: Any Fin Is Possible it’s best if you have an idea of the title character. Frankie is a goldfish who was being experimented on by Mark, a typical teen. Mark’s brother, Tom saved Frankie with a battery, but that also turned him into a zombie goldfish with the power to hypnotize anyone. Now that you know the basics, Any Fin Is Possible is an upper elementary/middle school book that serves as a great chapter book when young readers are going from Captain Underpants to Wimpy Kid and up.

Zombie goldfish, any fin is possible, Mo  o’hara, fang, Frankie, young reader


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All age comics for March 16, 2016

This week in all age comics we’re pumped because our favorite books come out, plus lots of others that will appeal to young readers. For the record, our current favorites are Jim Henson’s Storyteller Dragons, Usagi Yojimbo, Lumberjanes and Simpsons Comics.  Everything but Dragons is great for any age, while the Henson title is good for slightly older kids, say 12 and up.

What will your young reader want to dig into?  If your child is into Adventure Time they’ll like Adventure Time Ice King #3, it’s a story all about Ice King on his own. There is also a new Adventure Time Trade Paperback that collects issues 35-39 of the regular comic book.  The reboot of Archie great stuff with all new artwork, stories that tweens will be able to learn from and laugh to.  Its trade paperback that collects issues 1-6 is out.

For the young Disney reader they can check out Uncle Scrooge #12 or the trade paperback Uncle Scrooge Peril of Pandora’s Box that collects issues 7-9 of the series.

It’s a busy week for action with two new Doctor Who books, Mickey Mouse, My Little Pony, Princeless Raven Pirate Princess and others. There are also two Star Wars Magazines coming out this week that appear similar, but are quite different-which we shall explain in the podcast.

All of the links will take you TFAW where you’ll save up to 20% on your order. If you want to find your closest comic book store today just put your zip code into the comic book store locator and you’re all but there.

Star wars, all age comics, comics, adventure time, mickey mouse, doctor who, usagi yojimbo, lumberjanes



Science Fiction/Adventure

Action Cat & Adventure Bug #1, fabulous, humor, action all age comic

Action Cat & Adventure Bug. The title by itself, even without knowing anything about whatever it is makes you smile. When you see Action Cat & Adventure Bug #1 from Dark Horse Comics you know why. The art immediately grabs any age reader with its big images, happy characters, action and lots of glorious color everywhere you look. The combination of Baltazar and Franco is recognizable from Itty Bitty Hello; folks may also know it from Tiny Titan or other go-to titles for all ages.

Action Cat & Monster Bug, Action Cat, Monster Bug, all age, lizard gun, super powers,

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