Oscar and the Amazing Gravity Repellent, doesn’t repel, is amazing

Oscar and the Amazing Gravity Repellent by Tina L. Peterson is a book that hooks you from the title, baits you with curiosity once you start reading it and reels you in once you’re 20 pages deep. It’s a story with characters that any student 8 or older will relate to and does so in a way that surprising and very mature. By ‘mature’ I mean that there aren’t any juvenile pranks, body noise jokes, aloof parents or other things that might be in an  upper elementary to middle school book. If your reader is down Wimpy Kid, but looking for something with almost no pictures, a strong sense of storytelling and lots of imagination then they’ll love this book.

Oscar and the Amazing Gravity Repellent, doesn't repel, is amazing

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Peanuts, Friends Forever 2016 Special, flawless storytelling and art

Peanuts is one of the go-to franchises for generations of people. Since the late 60’s Peanuts have been around and on the forefront of publishing or television. With Peanuts, Friends Forever 2016 Special from Kaboom the characters are ending their monthly comic book run. I suspect that we’ll still see Peanuts and their characters in graphic novels, but this is it (for now)

Peanuts, friends forever 2016 special, Charles Schulz, daisy hill puppy farm, snoopy, Woodstock, comic book

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Super Fly: Revenge of the Roach is a young elementary gold mine

I owe Super Fly an apology. Super Fly is the title character in a (now) series of books that are just about perfect for young elementary school readers. The chapters are short, the vocabulary is approachable, the book has drawings on half of the pages and it’s packed with parent approved potty humor. However, when I first saw Super Fly I thought it was too much like Fly Guy.  With the second book from Super Fly out, Revenge of the Roach I realize now that this series is a big step up, from a reading level perspective than our first fly love.

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The Mighty Zodiac, big action comic book with heart and vocabulary

In some ways The Mighty Zodiac is on a parallel track, but the opposite of one of our favorite comic books Usagi Yojimbo. The Mighty Zodiac is the story of 12 heroes, each one representing someone from the Zodiac. This is an ongoing series from Oni Press that will interest kids 7 and up due to its more realistically drawn characters, martial arts action and bad guys.

The mighty zodiac, master long, ho, moon rabbits, comic books, comic book, Earth

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There Is a Tribe of Kids is coffee table, kid book, art greatness for all

There Is a Tribe of Kids by Lane Smith feels like it’s too good to be a children’s book. I don’t mean that in a snooty way. The book has art whose quality and depth looks like something adults would see at an art gallery that’s doing an animal exhibition.  Each page has art that is curious, gentle and full of detail for any age reader. Combine that with the written words, the actual story part of There Is a Tribe of Kids and you’ve got a classic book that your kids will remember reading when they have kids in 20 or so years.

There is a tribe of kids, coffee book, art gallery, kid book, parents, children

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New all age comic books for June 8

It’s early June and a great week for humor all age comic books because there are more of them than the other categories combined. That’s not a bad thing, because on the whole there are so many all age books coming out this week there is bound to be at least two different books for every young reader. If you want the audio version of this where we highlight a couple of books in each category just check out our podcast. It’s only 15 minutes long and give me a great excuse to use my broadcasting degree.

In Superhero this week you can get the trade paperback for Actionverse where they celebrate their fifth anniversary or Marvel Universe Guardians of the Galaxy #8. While not in comic book stores you can also find new young reader origin stories from Capstone featuring Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman. These are easy reader books that are great for young readers and more book than comic book. But they’re great and give confidence to readers that they can conquer a chapter book.

new All age comic books, lumberjanes, Gotham Academy, spongebob comics, pink panther, Donald duck, wonder woman, batman, kaijumax, guardians of the galaxy, young reader, books

Science fiction and action has lots that we’re excited about this week including Invader Zim, a cross over comic book featuring Lumberjanes and Gotham Academy and Sonic the Hedgehog. Poppy! And the Lost Lagoon is a trade paperback that looks really good for ages 10 and up. It’s from Dark Horse, has fabulous art and is the story about a young girl who gets summoned on a worldwide quest to find out what happened to her grandfather. Kaijumax Season 2 is great, large monster wrecking fun for ages 9 and up due to the large monsters and such.

If humor based all age comic books are your jam then this week is for you. Adventure Time, Donald Duck, a trade paperback from Ghostbusters, Goldie Vance, Mickey Mouse, The Pink Panther, Spongebob Comics, Welcome to Showside and many others are out.

Where is your closest comic book store?  The links will take you to TFAW where you’ll save up to 20% on your order.





Spidey #6 is all age comic book web slinging magic

There was a three year period when I was a kid where I read every issue of Spidey comics. I look back at those old comics now and still recall re-reading them, looking at the art, the dog eared pages and more. An updated version of that classic Spidey comic book is out and it’s bound to create the same long lasting memories for today’s kids.

Spidey is not the same as the Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man. The later is based on the Disney XD television series and has an All Ages rating from Marvel Comics. The former is also from Marvel, but for some reason is rated teen. Parents don’t be put off by that teen rating on Spidey. This is a comic book that ages 7 and up will absolutely love, packed with action, villains and the issues that face an upper-middle school aged student.

Spidey, spidey #6, spider man, marvel comics, the vulture, iron man, comic book, all age comic books

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Ghostbusters International #5, Louvre no ghost behind

Ghostbusters International #5 from IDW is out in comic book stores. It’s not the summer of Ghostbusters, it just feels that way. What with the movie coming out and lots of hopefully cool toys it’s enough to make Venkman at a loss for words. This is a cool mini-series that puts our Ghosbutsters,  Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz ad Winston Zeddemore on European soil where they see exotic ghosts in landmark locations at the bidding of their client Erland Vinter who is looking for an ancient artifact. But does their client have more sinister aspersions than the team running afoul of a blood red slime monster?Ghostbusters International, David, Ghostbusters, Erik Burnham, venkman, slime, ghost, monster

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