All Age Comic Books for September 14

Happy new comic book day. Each Wednesday dozens upon dozens of new comics hit your local store, dozens of those are great all age comic books. This week has many graphic novels, a couple books you want to check out and some classics too.

If you have an elementary school reader your kid (most likely a boy…) is seriously into Captain Underpants. Dav Pilkey is the author behind that series and his latest book, Dog Man came out last week. Dog Man is a departure from Captain Underpants in that it’s an original graphic novel that was fictionally created by Harold Hutchins and George Beard. They are the main characters in Captain Underpants and serve as the ‘creators’ of Dog Man. Kids 6 and up will love this graphic novel and bug you incessantly about when the second one will be released.

Doctor who, Powerpuff girls, Power Rangers, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, World of reading, Mighty Jack, Kaijumax, Spongebob Comics, Monty the dinosaur, Dog man, Dav pilkey, Big Nate, comic books, all age comic books, graphic novel

Also in new graphic novels is Big Nate, Revenge of the Cream Puffs by Lincoln Peirce. This cartoon celebrates its 25 year in 2016 and is consistently funny. This graphic novel collects previously released strips and is all color. It’s great for ages 6 and up.

We missed Monty The Dinosaur when it came out two weeks ago. Look for issue #1 because it’s one of the best new all age comic books that you’ll read this year. It’s got a timeless soul and feels like a classic comic strip that you’ll find in your newspaper.

Do you have a reader who is 9 years old and likes monsters? Kaijumax Season 2, #4 is out and is a great monster comic for that age. The action is too much for all ages, but that age can handle big city destruction, massive monsters and the family lessons that go with this book.

Mighty Jack is another graphic novel that age group will love. Its twist is that Jack helps out with his younger sisters during the summer, one of whom is non-verbal Autistic. One day Maddy speaks and tells him to do something that opens up a world of adventure, all in his backyard.

Powerpuff Girls, two World of Reading books, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and lots more hit shelves this week too. Where is my closest comic book store? Just check out the comic book store locator. The music in the podcast is from Dlay, over at Free Music Archives.


Action/Science fiction


Jungle, A Photicular Book, as close to it as you’ll get from home

Photicular photography is also known as Lenticular photography. Growing up I had some baseball cards that were produced in that manner. They provided a crude 3D effect that made it look like the players were swinging the bats if you moved the card. Currently our son has a lunchbox that use photicular photography on it. Jungle, A Photicular Book is the third in a series of books by Dan Kainen that has its subject matter running, scratching, flying and slithering off of the page.

In theory, a book on nature images based on the technology that I see on my child’s lunchbox is not entertaining. It’s the quality of the technological difference that really makes Jungle stand out as a book that must be seen to be believed.

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The Great Shelby Holmes, middle grade caper stuck in a rut

The Great Shelby Holmes by Elizabeth Eulberg is a middle school book with its tongue slightly in cheek. Shelby Holmes is a 9-year-old local who knows everybody in her New York City neighborhood. She had a new neighbor move in downstairs, 11-year-old John Watson, who is used to moving from place to place. They quickly meet and become friends due to his boredom and her needing someone to assist her.

The Great Shelby Holmes, young reader, book, YA, young adult, Shelby, John

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The Big Fat Notebook, middle school education they’ll want to read

Imagine if you put a Wimpy Kid book and a summary of middle school education-by their individual subjects in a magic blender. The result would be a book from The Big Fat Notebook series.  This is an immediately accessible book that serves as a refresher to anyone outside of middle school or a study guide for those in the thick of it.

This is a book that manages to dance between education and entertaining with such deftness you’ll all but want to go back in time to re-learn your respective classes. There is a Big Fat Notebook for World History, American History, English, Math and Science. We looked at The Big Fat Notebook for Science and it made us realize that we certainly weren’t as smart as a middle school student, yet.

The big fat notebook, science, STEM, education, students, math, English, science, history, wimpy kid, brain quest

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CityBlock, a board book that entertains toddlers and up

CityBlock is the fourth entry into the series by Christopher Franceschelli and Peskimo. Technically these books aren’t a series in that there is a continual story they’re telling. Rather, its presentation and format that they use that make their books stand out in a crowded field of board books.  Their previous books looked at the alphabet, numbers and dinosaurs and displayed each of them in a durable manner that appealed to children and had elements that made them fun to look at for adults.

CityBlock, AlphaBlock, DinoBlock, Countablock, books, children, city, board book,

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New all age comic books for August 31

Happy new comic book day! Actually #NCBD is every Wednesday, but if you’re reading this on any day other than that make it a great one anyway. This week in all age comic books the superheroes lead the way with a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle title, say that three times fast. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe #1 will be great for readers 10 and up, #1 comes out this week and is a great chance for middle schoolers to jump in on the ground floor.

Superhero, doctor who, all age comic books, comic books, teenage mutant ninja turtles, mighty morphin power rangers, boom studios, Disney princess, future quest, mighty zodiac, comic books

Superhero fans can also read on with Mighty Morhpin Power Rangers #6, Marvel Universe Guardians of the Galaxy #11 and a couple others.

Do you or your kids watch Amazing World of Gumball? It’s on Cartoon Network and is ridiculously happy. Parents have nothing to fear from this show or its comic book counterparty from Boom! Studios. Their Grab Bag Special #1 is out with all new stories and an oversized issue packed with laughs and plenty of sillies.

Disney Princess #6 from Joe Books, Dreamworks Classics trade paperback volume 3 and My Little Pony #45 is out. If you have an older reader who likes smart, funny things have them check out Groo: Fray of the Gods from legendary cartoonist Sergio Aragones. His distinct style of drawing has been lighting up Mad Magazine for decades and it’s a treat to see that he’s still producing new, quality work that entertains all age readers.

If you like Doctor Who this is your week. There are more Doctor Who comic books out than usual this week, get in touch with your Whovian self. Ages 10 and up who like action and mystery need to read Future Quest. This is a fun title from DC Comics that has some reading, so it’s too much for younger kids, but that age will like the intrigue and follow along with a mash up of Hannah Barbara heroes.

Some all age comic books bridge genres. That’s exactly what Mighty Zodiac does. One could easily call this a superhero comic, but the heroes have more in common with the signs of the zodiac. It’s got action, enough words to practice reading and is a great comic book that flies under radar. Check it out.

The music in the podcast is from Dlay, you can find all their stuff over at Free Music Archive. Where is your closest comic book shop?



Action/Science fiction

The Inside Job, middle school spy fun with action and heart

The Inside Job-And Other Skills I Learned as A Superspy starts out of the gate with the team on a mission. We’re immediately introduced to a team of superspies who are all kids ranging in age from 11 to their late teens. Hale serves as the book’s central character. He’s a young kid who, along with his sister and other friends is ex-SRS agents who were intent committing crimes all over the world.

That’s an accurate overview of the book but it’s also a lot to take in at once.  What is SRS and how am I supposed to keep track of six strong protagonists, a couple antagonists and a shadowy organization that may or may not include Hale’s mom-who he thought was dead?

The Inside Job, superspy, Jackson Pearce, book, young reader, Hale

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Bera The One-Headed Troll, Nordic, all age fun-with heart

There is a little Bera inside all of us.  Bera The One-Headed Troll is a graphic novel by Eric Orchard and published on First Second. Bera is a troll, to be clear, she’s a one-headed troll, because some trolls-including the internet kind, have two or more heads.  She’s a gentle soul who is much different than the other inhabitants of The Troll King’s kingdom. And, she’s found a baby, something that certainly flies in the face of accessories that other troll’s have, unless they’re using them as a spice for cooking.

Bera, Bera The One Headed Troll, Erik Orchard, troll, pumpkin, cloote, witch,

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