Benny and Penny, How to Say Goodbye keeps it real and it works

Benny and Penny in How To Say Goodbye starts out with the two best friends playing in a pile of leaves. Shortly after jumping in them and frolicking in the forest Penny discovers Little Red, a salamander that the two mice know. However, Little Red is limp and Penny supposes that he is dead. From here How To Say Goodbye turns into one of the most unlikely children’s books about loss that they need to read.

Benny and penny, how to say goodbye, children’s book, death, toon books, little red, benny, penny

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What Do You Love About You? offers lots of picture book to love

Our 5 year old has been peppering us with questions lately. “Will my skin always be this color”? “Is my tummy getting big”? and his most recent was “Why don’t you like hair”? I told him that I like hair just fine, it’s just that I don’t have any on my head. Suffice it to say he’s talking about people’s differences in pre-K and what makes everyone unique. What Do You Love About You? by Karen Lechelt is right in his sweet spot of books now.

What do you love about you, Karen lechelt, pre-k book

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Press Start! Game Over, Super Rabbit Boy is early elementary gold

Do you have a child in elementary school? If you do, look for the Scholastic flier that teachers send home in the folders. Somewhere in that flier you’ll see Press Start! Game Over Super Rabbit Boy!, it’s an early chapter book that your child will want to read over and over.

Scholastic books, early chapter books, press start!, press start! Game over Super Rabbit Boy, Super Rabbit Boy,

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How To Outsmart A Billion Robot Bees review

Leave it to author Paul Tobin to up the ante. His second release in The Genius Factor series, How To Outsmart A Billion Robot Bees does that and more by going ‘Empire Strikes Back’ on readers in an impossibly entertaining and intelligent book for middle school and up. How To Capture An Invisible Cat was the first book the series and it was really good. The fact that it was a good book makes the fact that this second book is so much better even more amazing.

We heard that the second Hunger Games film was like that. Lethal Weapon 2 was like that. Star Wars’ sequel, The Empire Strikes Back is the one that originated the term. When the second installment is dramatically better than the already great first one it’s said in some manner or fashion to ‘go all Empire Strikes Back on us’. How To Outsmart A Billion Robot Bees  is like that.

The genius factor, How To Outsmart A Billion Robot Bees, paul tobin, young reader, middle school, book, delphine cooper, red tea death society


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BIG National Geographic Kids book #giveaway #NatGeoKids

National Geographic Kids is one of the largest publishers of kid books on the market. Not only that, but their style, size, reputation and quality are the sort that families immediately recognize and go to as a fun source for kids of all ages. This is a BIG giveaway for Ultimate Ocean-Pedia and How Things Work from National Geographic Kids, as well as, Tales From The Arabian Nights, a National Geographic book of fables.

National geographic kids, national geographic, books, ocean, kids, tales from the Arabian nights, giveaway

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Tales of Sasha is first grade early chapter books girls will love

Our oldest is a first grade reader now and it’s a great time for him. He glows when he’s able to read early chapter books on his own with little to no assistance. From time to time he’ll still jump into a really fun picture book and last weekend we even caught him reading one to his younger brother. It’s when he reads to himself-or in his head as he calls it, that he really shines. Tales of Sasha are a series of early chapter books from Little Bee Books that are tailor made for first through third grade young readers.

Sasha, tales of sasha, early chapter book, young reader, Little Bee Books

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Jim Henson’s The Storyteller Giants #2, large and in charge

The Storyteller is the titular character created by Jim Henson in the late 80s to weave together various stories. He’s accompanied by his trusty dog who is usually resting by the fireplace. Think of the Storyteller as a kid-friendly version of the Crypt Keeper from Tales From The Crypt. This incarnation of everyone’s favorite chattering grandfather is Jim Henson’s The Storyteller Giants. Previously the Storyteller introduced us to dragons and witches, but this time he tells us tales of giants.

The storyteller giants, jim hensons the storyteller giants, fairy tale, archaia, Brandon Dayton, creatures, monsters

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Agnes and Clarabelle, early chapter books for young readers

Our oldest son’s reading teacher called the house the other day. She simply called to let us know that he was going to transition out of the ‘assisted’ class and back into the main class for reading. * He has been reading chapter books for a while and easily glides through the 10 page large print short stories his teacher sends home. For young readers that are transitioning to early chapter books Bloomsbury has a new line of books out called Read and Bloom. The first series of these young reader books are out and Agnes and Clarabelle is just the sort of thing that’ll engage elementary school students.

Agnes and Clarabelle, Agnes and Clarabelle Celebrate, young reader, early chapter books, read and bloom, read and bloom line, books

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