Sharing is caring, and kids love to share, bits of knowledge that is. Those trivial bits of fun knowledge that are 100% true, sometimes odd, many times functional, and always fascinating are just the sort of thing that kids will share without prompting. Think like Jonathan Lipnicki from Jerry Maguire, and then share your trivia that’s not just related to the human head. 100 Things to Know About Inventions is loaded with a handful of obscure facts about 100 technological advances that people have created.
Potato chips, cat videos and trying to stop at one page on books like thisTag: Quarto Knows
Rescuing Titanic, an illustrated book look at the RMS Carpathia
Often times the story that’s behind the story is as interesting and sometimes more interesting than the main one. Rescuing Titanic, A True Story of Quiet Bravery in the North Atlantic is an illustrated book that takes the line and runs with it. It’s an oversized, illustrated book that looks at the story that third graders and up to know about, but examines the after-effects and how they were dealt with.

Invented by Animals, a fabulously illustrated biomimicry STEM jam for 7+
In a middle-elementary class recently I went over the fascinating story about wall crawlers. It’s an amazing and true tale about entrepreneurship, luck, and not giving up. The technology might not be directly created from animals, but its hypnotic appeal sure was inspired by them. The closest parallel to that toy in Invented By Animals are the pages on the tree frog. The presentation in the book will immediately appeal to those middle-elementary readers. The vocabulary might be a bit much for them, but those fourth, and especially those fifth-grade readers will have a field day with this book. Invented By Animals will also introduce the fabulous new word, biomimicry, a term that they’ll learn a lot more about in their STEM classes in the coming years.

Space Adventures, Let’s Tell A Story free-range, yet controlled stories
You get what you deserve when you as an open-ended question to a class of elementary school students. I have a cat. We went to the beach. My sister threw up last night. As a teacher, you will get any response under the sun, most likely not at all related to what your initial query was about. The Let’s Tell A Story series of books on Wide Eyed Editions provides the framework for kids to build their own stories, without going entirely off the rails. Space Adventure lets kids choose from one of over a dozen characters, and then guides them with locations, plot devices, and more so that they can verbally tell their story.
This is the way to have kids tell wacky, creative storiesFluffles, impossibly cute illustrated reader for mid-elementary
Remember the Australian fires in 2020? How about the lungs of the Earth are on fire during the Brazilian wildfires of 2020? You may be thinking of the Californian wildfires of 2020? It could have been one of the other years, they blend together. Fluffles, The Brave Koala Who Held Strong Through a Bushfire gives you some idea of the location for this book. The True Stories of Animal Heroes series on Frances Lincoln Children’s Books are fascinating, often unheard of stories that mid-elementary school kids will be able to read by themselves.

We Are The Supremes, music, and friendship for all
What do The Supremes and the Ramones have in common? While they’ll certainly have more join them in this club, they’re both the subject of recent, excellent illustrated books that are aimed at children aged four through seven. We Are The Supremes is an illustrated book in the Friends Change the World series on Quarto Knows. The book tells the story of three different friends who were talented in different ways who worked through it all to become the most successful girl groups of all time.
An illustrated book for ages 4 and up on one of the biggest music groups everThis Book Is Anti-Racist Journal is woke, riot-grrl commerce
The Christmas music test is a constant in our world. If the song is great enough to hear around December, then in theory, you could hear it anytime and be OK with it. A good song is a good song, regardless of whether or not it has seasonal greetings in its content. Books are the same way and This Book Is Anti-Racist Journal is Christmas music for those who like this type of seasonal songs.

Onyx is fun, educational, non-fiction that will inspire kids
Onyx True Stories of Animal Heroes is one of the first releases in a new series on Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, an imprint of Quarto Knows. The book feels old-school, from the cloth-like feel of the front and back cover to its spine that has a different color as if channeling a Golden Book. In reality, Onyx is a refreshing, early elementary read-along book or a middle to upper elementary book that will inspire kids to read more about wolves.
Lovely art and an incredible story