Two fabulous online communities for parents and pet owners

In addition to wrangling things here I do some writing and social media management.  Both of those worlds are colliding to some extent in two new ventures that are happening that you need to know about.  The parenting angle is covered by The Go-To Parents Community on Google + and my experience with animals is being used as a writer on The Pet Match Maker. Continue reading Two fabulous online communities for parents and pet owners

Star Trek: TNG/Doctor Who Assimilation 2, Vol 2 is logical and fun

I am a novice geek in that there a couple touchstone franchises I never got into.  I was a casual Star Trek fan (because, let’s face it Star Wars is overall better) and the only Doctor Who I had ever seen were episodes that aired on PBS in the mid 70’s.  All I remembered of that were bad special effects and a tall man with a big hat a poofy hair.  Continue reading Star Trek: TNG/Doctor Who Assimilation 2, Vol 2 is logical and fun

Iron Man Armored Adventures Season 2, Volume 3 is great, but too short

A couple of months ago we took a look at Iron Man Armored Adventure.  Now we’re taking a look at volume 3 from season 2 and it’s as good as volume 1.  The animation is crisp, has lots of fast action and perfect for the entire family.  Simply Google the title and you’ll find more than a couple of 5 year old boys singing the theme song.  Continue reading Iron Man Armored Adventures Season 2, Volume 3 is great, but too short

Odd Duck, a charming graphic novel about friends is great for ages 6+

The title to Odd Duck is appropriate.  This is the odd little story about two ducks, one who is an introvert and her new neighbor who is flamboyant.  The art is soft, rounded, cute and not what you’d think of when you hear the term ‘graphic novel’.  Cartoon book sounds too young.  This is definitely a book, but it’s more like a children’s book, with great illustrations-that anyone over 6 can read and enjoy. Continue reading Odd Duck, a charming graphic novel about friends is great for ages 6+

The Superior Spider Man #1 review: vengeful and fresh

So if you haven’t checked in on your friendly neighborhood wall crawler here’s what’s new. In the epic (and overpriced) issue of Amazing Spider Man 700, Doctor Octopus died. This would normally be no big deal, but Doc Oct had created a device that switched Peter Parker’s mind with his own, so when our favorite villain with a bowl cut died, it was actually Peter Parker’s mind. Continue reading The Superior Spider Man #1 review: vengeful and fresh

Dad Spends a Night in the Mancave: The Expendables 2 review

We reviewed The Expendable when it came out and it was serviceable, but not really entertaining.  I remember that The A-Team came out about the same time and we loved that movie.   At the time I even said that the wrong movie received the green light for a sequel.  Fast forward two years, The Expendables 2 is out on video and is entertaining, fun, brisk and worth your mancave time. Continue reading Dad Spends a Night in the Mancave: The Expendables 2 review

Superman: Earth One Volume Two is a nice, needed update

I was old school Superman.  In my closet I have hundreds of Superman comics.  I saw the first 2 Superman movies in theaters.  I was there for the Death of Superman and even the All New 52, which rebooted all of the DC titles.  However, shortly after the All New 52 I gave up on Superman. Continue reading Superman: Earth One Volume Two is a nice, needed update

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