Iron Man 3 is less Iron, more Man-but very entertaining

The next movie after an excellent movie is challenging.  Iron Man 3 and The Dark Knight Rises should go bowling.  They’d talk about how great they were, mention their previous entries and then Iron Man mentions that  his  previous movie was actually The Avengers.  Then Batman would laugh, talk about the Justice League Movie (yeah…right) and Iron Man would go on talking about Avengers 2. Continue reading Iron Man 3 is less Iron, more Man-but very entertaining

Free Comic Book Day and Star Wars Day are on the same day this year, May 4

Free Comic Book Day is the first Saturday in May of every year.  Star Wars Day is celebrated every year on May 4.  This year May 4, AKA, Star Wars Day falls on the first Saturday in May, which is Free Comic Book Day.  It’s two of my favorite ideas ‘Free’ and ‘Star Wars’, both on the same day. Continue reading Free Comic Book Day and Star Wars Day are on the same day this year, May 4

Lace Up For Boston is Monday, April 22-wear running shoes

Lace Up For Boston is something that was organized three days after the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon.  Lace Up For Boston is not a fundraising organization, nor is it a pass through for any donations at all.  Wear running shoes to work on Monday, April 22 as a way to show your support, love and solidarity to those in Boston. Continue reading Lace Up For Boston is Monday, April 22-wear running shoes

My ride on the #despicablimp

There are things that I never knew I wanted to do until I was presented with the opportunity to do them.  After being provided with the opportunity to ride the #despicablimp  I knew that this would be one of those things.  A.  It’s a blimp, and the only time you ever see those things is at major sporting events.  B.  It’s a Despicalbimp in the shape of a Minion from Despicable Me.

It’s a blimp and a cartoon character.  If they served bacon on the flight I would’ve signed up for anything to allow the experience not to end.  Continue reading My ride on the #despicablimp

I’m OK with being called Mr. Mom- depending on who you are

Hi, my name is Trey and I’m a stay at home dad.  During the day I care for an 18 month old and 3.5 year old.  I get called Mr. Mom a couple of times a week and for the most part it doesn’t bother me.  “Oh are doing the Mr. Mom today”, the cashier will innocently say.  I’ll politely say, no, I do this full time, they’ll feel stupid and we’ll leave. Continue reading I’m OK with being called Mr. Mom- depending on who you are

Despicablimp is coming to Atlanta on Wednesday, April 17

On April 17 the Despicablimp will be flying around Atlanta.  It’s Despicable, it’s a blimp-it’s Despicablimp.  If you saw Despicable Me then you’ll immediately recognize the Minions from the movie.  Even if you didn’t see the movie you’ve seen the Minions somewhere, they’re cute, yellow and part of pop culture. Continue reading Despicablimp is coming to Atlanta on Wednesday, April 17

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