Bon Jovi will be my son’s Led Zeppelin

I grew up in the 70’s.  I’ll save the What’s Happening jokes and Evel Knievel references for another post and keep this solely about the mystery and romance of radio.   During that time radio and basement listening, just like in That’ 70’s Show was the only way to get music.  Music didn’t get any better for the rock set than Led Zeppelin.  The other day I was driving, rocking out with the kids when I realized that Bon Jovi will be my son’s Led Zeppelin.

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Pity the lawyers that don’t earn enough for a house husband

Time magazine had an article recently on super achieving moms on Wall Street and their stay-at-home husbands.  The same author did a follow up piece on her blog that broke it down even further about being a house husband to a power mom on Wall Street.    Her conclusion and the comments  on the Time website offer insight into both sides.  They also provide a compelling argument for tort reform and a good excuse to lovingly smack any lawyer who thinks that they don’t earn enough money.

1024px-Honoré_Daumier_018 lawyers

Continue reading Pity the lawyers that don’t earn enough for a house husband

The new Lego spot is the best dad ad in a long time

Some ads take a moment to grab you, especially if your main character is a dad.  The dad ad two years ago from Tide, where he’s talking about braiding hair and doing home stuff was awesome.  More often than not the dads in advertisements are lame, stupid, overly machismo or just don’t resonate with me.  Game on for the new Lego ad that features a dad building stuff with his child.  It’s awesome, brings back great memories and might just make you tear up.

Continue reading The new Lego spot is the best dad ad in a long time

The new Toys R Us ad is great, but it’s got some green folks seeing red

Have you seen the new ad from Toys R Us?   Well, firstly I should say that this is not a sponsored post and I received no cash from anyone for it.  However, being an ex PR guy, dad to 2 boys and ex social media manager for some environmental causes I have some insight into this.  It’s a hidden camera ad that has a bus full of children going to learn about trees.  Once they get on the bus the tour guide starts talking about leaves and then surprise-they go to Toys R Us where the kids run around and play with toys.

Continue reading The new Toys R Us ad is great, but it’s got some green folks seeing red

A look at the 11 Halloween ComicFest Mini Comics

The other day we read over 4 of the 11 full size comics that were available for Halloween ComicFest.  These are free comics that you can pick up at your local comic book store.  Several publishers also released 11 mini comics that are also free.  They ranged across the board from knock someone down to get it (joking…hello, but GREAT), good to OK for their fan base.

Super Dinosaur

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A look at some of the full sized comics from Halloween ComicFest

This past weekend was Halloween ComicFest at your local comic book store.  They had 11 comics that were full sized and 11 that were mini sized-all of them free.  The nice folks at Diamond Comics were nice enough to send me some of them.  Here’s a look at 4 of the full sized comics to see if they’re worth grabbing up.

Skyward from Action Lab Continue reading A look at some of the full sized comics from Halloween ComicFest

Dress up for The Greatest Halloween Costume Contest Ever & get free comic books too

This year your local comic book shop is having The Greatest Halloween Costume Contest Ever.   It’s kid friendly, OK for adults too and will have free comic books!  The free comic books will depend on the supply and location, but they’re pretty cool.

Win prizes at the Halloween Comicfest Costume Contest

Continue reading Dress up for The Greatest Halloween Costume Contest Ever & get free comic books too

The Halloway house party and the parents who enabled it

Brian Halloway is a retired football player that lives in Florida now, but still has a house in upstate New York.  Over Labor Day his house was broken into and approximately 300 teens thoroughly trashed it.  Being teenagers they posted photos from the event which alerted him to the Halloway house party.  It’s easy to blame the teens, who are ultimately to blame; however, the behavior of the teen’s parents is even more appalling.  Continue reading The Halloway house party and the parents who enabled it

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