Looney Tunes #222 is classic, true to form as you remember

As with The Simpsons, in our quest to find great all age comic books we sometimes look over the obvious.  Back in the day I purchased Looney Tunes #1 and while the layout has changed a bit the humor and all age appropriateness is still spot on.  It’s rated E for everyone and this is a classic for the parents or a way to teach younger readers about how it’s done.

Looney Tunes #222

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Capture Creatures #1 is promising, but needs more creatures

On the surface Capture Creatures has lots going for it.  The cover is dreamy, surreal art with an orange fox like creature stampeding through a field of mushrooms and antlered animals.  Capture Creatures is from Kaboom, who has a very steady track record with great all age comic books.  The inside of the book leaves older readers a little flat, but solidly hits the all age comic book audience.

Capture Creatures cover

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It’s OK to shop on Thanksgiving Day, really

We are 100% on board with getting great deals on things that we need.   We also purchase our gifts far in advance.  Christmas shopping was 90% completed in January and we’ll purchase gift for the next year this year on Black Friday.  We also worked retail or other jobs that always required us to work on holidays.  This isn’t some “I walked uphill both ways to school” post, rather it’s just a nice note to those who want to shame people into thinking the way that they think.

It's OK to shop on Thanksgiving Day

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Nocturna is a magical, animated sleeper for tweens and up

Nocturna is a Spanish language film that was released in 2007.  It garnered a following and they demanded that it be released in English.  Imagine if Guillermo del Torro made a children’s animated movie that had enough creative creepy creatures to slightly scary, but were charming once you got to know them?  That is what I kept thinking while watching Nocturna.  It’s such a sweet film that is so good at creating an alternate world within plain sight that you care about and are interested in the freaky animated characters.

Nocturna on Blu-ray

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Cartoon Network Holiday Collection DVD, age appropriate merriment

Even if you don’t have cable you know Cartoon Network and their staple shows.  Adventure Time, Regular Show, The Amazing World of Gumball are some of the network’s biggest shows, available on Roku or other streaming networks and children, especially boys, love them.  Throw in those shows, a bonus episode from Clarence and Steven Universe and Christmas and you’ve got goofiness and fun for the right ages.

Cartoon Network Holiday Collection DVD

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Planet Gigantic #1 review: all ages galactic comic book fun

Planet Gigantic #1 has something for every all ages comic reader.  The main story focuses on two teenagers with special powers who crash land on a strange planet.  There is a separate story that is almost as interesting Lyana looking for a magical eye.  Both stories have female heroes, enough action to satisfy all readers and they both deal with consequences, as well as taking risks.

Planet Gigantic cover

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Little Humans is Humans of New York, but with children-review & giveaway

Humans of New York is the very popular blog that spawned the book which shares the same name.  They both feature photos of people in New York City doing various things and includes short descriptions of the people or fascinating conversations.  The blog is difficult to turn away from.  You could scroll down for ages and not get tired.  Little Humans is an extension of HONY, but done exclusively with children.

Little Humans by Brandon Stanton

Continue reading Little Humans is Humans of New York, but with children-review & giveaway

Animal Tales by Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke-it’s all ages music you want to hear

Children’s music can send shudders up the spine of people.  It’s too sleepy, dopey, boring or just too much childlike to interest the children, much less the adults who are driving the car.  I am a children’s music novice, but I’m learning that there is some fabulous music out there for children and the adults who will be around them when said music is on.   Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke is a great example of children’s music that kids will want to listen to and that adults will (really) enjoy listening to as well.

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