Happy new comic book day! There are lots for young readers to get behind and dig into some new all age comic books. Free Comic Book Day is just around the corner and your local comic book store will have a couple free ones that are 100% all ages, many of which we’re big fans of.
This week we’re excited about #2 in Mouse Guard, the art and classic story is something that you might not be expecting in a all ages title. Our oldest loves Spongebob Comics and #43 as well as, My Little Pony. Now, wait a minute. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #2 Tirek comes out today; this is a month long mini-series that showcases the villains in the series? What, you mean it’s all not ponies and unicorns? Yes, it’s much cooler than you think and kids do love it.
The links will take you to Things From Another World and will save you 10% or more on comics. If you want to head out to your local comic book store and pick these up today then dig the link, find out where yours is located and get your kids reading some all age comic books.
Continue reading New all age comic books for Wednesday April 8, 2015