New all age comic books for Wednesday April 8, 2015

Happy new comic book day!  There are lots for young readers to get behind and dig into some new all age comic books.  Free Comic Book Day is just around the corner and your local comic book store will have a couple free ones that are 100% all ages, many of which we’re big fans of.

This week we’re excited about #2 in Mouse Guard, the art and classic story is something that you might not be expecting in a all ages title. Our oldest loves Spongebob Comics and #43 as well as, My Little Pony.   Now, wait a minute.  My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #2 Tirek comes out today; this is a month long mini-series that showcases the villains in the series?  What, you mean it’s all not ponies and unicorns?  Yes, it’s much cooler than you think and kids do love it.

The links will take you to Things From Another World and will save you 10% or more on comics.  If you want to head out to your local comic book store and pick these up today then dig the link, find out where yours is located and get your kids reading some all age comic books.

The links will take you to Things From Another World and will save you 10% or more on comics.  If you want to head out to your local comic book store and pick these up today then dig the link, find out where yours is located and get your kids reading some all age comic books.  Read more: New all age comic books for Wednesday, April 1, 2015

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Win jamming shirts from as part of #BlogPOPEvents

About two months ago we gave away two fabulous shirts from  It was a Star Wars baseball cut tee for men and a Goonies cut tee for the ladies.  That is not to say that Goonies is a film just for the ladies.  It’s not.  We’re down with the Goonies, we never say die, but our wife just loves that film much more than Star Wars. giveaway for BlogPOPEvents

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New all age comic books for Wednesday, March 25, 2015

It is one of the busiest weeks for new all age comic books in a while. The titles are spread out evenly between some great graphic novels like Ben 10, Ultimate Spider-Man Web Warriors and Regular Show to quality single comics like Abigail and the Snowman, Adventure Time, Bart Simpson, Popeye and more.

Two new releases this week that we’re curious to see are Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Jen and the Holograms.  The first is a mini-series that left us skeptical at first, but if they can make entertaining movies with Pirates of the Caribbean, then why not this?  The second looks like a nice all ages comic, a la, Josie and the Pussycats, but we’ll give it a look over and let you know.

New All age  comics for March 25


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The Avengers Vault, a must for young readers who dig superheroes

It’s a good year for superheroes.  The new Avengers film comes out and the bar that elevates them to be good films, in addition to good superhero films has been established.  Having said that, the new generation of comic book fans needs to be educated and The Avengers Vault is just the book to do so. It’s a thick book that details the four core Avengers members.  For the record, it’s  Captain America, Hulk, Thor and Iron Man.

The Avengers Vault by Peter David

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New All Age Comic Books for Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Comics!  There are some really neat all age comics coming out this week.   You’ve some of the new classics like Adventure Time: Marceline Gone Adrift, Bone, SpongeBob and others.  This is also the last week of Archie as you know it.  The all ages appeal will still be there, but the art is getting a total overhaul in next month’s issue.   Old school fans and ages 7 and up might be keen to pick up Bill & Ted’s Most Triumphant Return too.  Also, one of our favorite all ages comics, MouseGuard returns!

Mouse Guard
The links will take you to Things From Another World and will save you 10% or more on comics.  If you want to head out to your local comic book store and pick these up today then dig the link, find out where yours is located and get your kids reading some all age comic books.

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Peanuts #25, sturdy, all ages comic for generations to love

I hesitate using the word ‘sturdy’ to describe the Peanuts comic book.  That’s what you use to describe a table or your balance.               In this case I mean dependable, consistent and as charming as the day is long.  Peanuts is one of the most consistently pleasing all ages comic books that I read.  It’s great for new fans, classic Peanuts and retains all of the warmth, humor and characters that you know.

Peanuts 25 from BOOM! Studios

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New all age comic books for Wednesday March 4, 2015

It’s a great week for some all age comic books for those young readers in your house.  There are lots of titles for boys, girls and some that are fabulous reading for any and all.  Of note for all readers is Teen Titans GO! trade paperback #1 that collects issues 1-6 of the popular comic book series.  Garfield #35 is great too, as it Hero Cats #4 which has really warmed us on the premise of super hero cats.  There are many more all age comic books out today, dig the list and see which one can hook your young reader.

The links will take you to Things From Another World and will save you 10% or more on comics.  If you want to head out to your local comic book store and pick these up today then dig the link, find out where yours is located and get your kids reading some all age comic books.

Teen Titans trade paperback #1

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The Lunch Witch, graphic novel girl power with a witch twist

The lunch lady is one of the most mysterious people at a child’s school.  Lunch lady Dora comes to mind from The Simpsons.  I don’t specifically remember our lunch lady, but I suspect she was the third most feared person at the school, followed by the garbage man and the principal.  The Lunch Witch takes the child’s perspective of Grunhilda, an elementary school lunch lady and imagines her as a real witch as she tries to help Madison.

The Lunch Witch from Papercutz cover

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