The kids watch what dad watched on Netflix #StreamTeam

This was a compensated post, all thoughts and TV recommendations are our own. Our children are 5 and 3; while they can watch some PG things on television it’s kept G for the most part. I look forward to when they can watch the classics that I grew up with. Certainly there will be some new classics that they enjoy, but I want to see how they like what I liked as a child. That, plus it gives me an excuse to watch them again…for the purpose of family bonding.

The kids watch what dad watched on Netflix StreamTeam

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$235 worth of Jim Henson comics-pay what you want

If you’re a fan of all age comic books, comics in general, Jim Henson, Fraggle Rock, The Dark Crystal, The Storyteller or Center for Puppetry Arts this is a fabulous deal. Note: the above description most likely applies to anyone who has ever enjoyed The Muppets, pop culture or comics. Humble Bundle has bundled together digital copies of all Jim Henson comic books with the proceeds benefitting Center for Puppetry Arts.

$235 worth of Jim Henson comics-pay what you want

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New All Age Comic Books for Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The new all age comic books this week offer something for every reader. It’s a huge week if you like titles that appeal to girls, boys, cartoons, classics or new stories that appeal to anyone. If you like Adventure Time you’ve got three options to choose from, a big Archie book, the start of Clarence and the final Mouse Guard Legends of the Guard. The Adventures of Aero-Girl also look really good with big, playful art and a story that has enough action and movement for anyone.

We’re really looking forward to Ghostbusters Get Real. The other week at MomoCon I met Erik Burnham who has handled stories for Galaxy Quest, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Johnny Bravo and many more all age comic books. He told me about a con that he went to recently and a fan told him about how they read comics to their child before bedtime. It was fast becoming this parent’s favorite time in their bedtime ritual because they could see how much fun the child was having.

That’s only one way that parents can use all age comic books. If your child is old enough to read then they’ll enjoy following the story at their own pace and there is an comic book for any child. Most stores will have an all ages section and the staff will certainly help you find the all age comic books because they want to sell them and it supports their future client base.

Here’s the list of all the new comics this week. The links will save you 10% over at TFAW, but if you want them today, just pop out to your local store.

New All Age Comic Books for Wednesday, June 10, 2015

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New all age comic books for Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Oh what a week. This week for new all age comic books sees one that I’ve been waiting months for, the last as we know it, two new all age titles, some classics, one that makes us laugh out loud just by the cover and a new summer cross over worth checking out.

Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians is one that I’ve been waiting for since I heard about it. It’s wordless and features some dinosaur violence, so it might be too young for the really small kids, but our 5 year old will love this. And the art, on my, the previews I’ve seen for this are gorgeous and really put the art in comic book.

Archie is about to end. It’s issue 666 and number one, with entirely new drawings are coming. DC has two new all age comics, Bizarro and Bat Mite both start their six issue run and DC also has Looney Tunes #225 out also. Simpsons Illustrated is great for non-regular readers of Simpsons Comics, Mickey Mouse #1 comes out and Regular Show #24 simply makes us laugh by the cover. Our five year old also wants the new My Little Pony.

New all age comic books for Wednesday, June 3, 2015

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This is why your children need to listen to kindie

Last week I was riding the train and I was reminded of something that happened more than a dozen years ago.  It involved a friend of mine who had kids when I was still at the stage of cleaning out the house with a leaf blower. The train experience and that instance are both great examples of why parents should listen to kindie.

This is why your children need to listen to kindie 2


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A look at Music Lab: We Rock! with 3 tweens

Alternate headline: I’m old and today’s music is rubbish next to what I grew up with. Music Lab: We Rock! is a family guide for exploring rock music. It’s a fascinating book that is much better and informative than you think it is. I worked in radio for a number of years, know lots about most genres and still found the book a great read. It was quite the different story when I shared it with a focus group of three girls, aged 10, 12 and 14.

A look at Music Lab We Rock! with 3 tweens

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New all age comics for Wednesday May 27, 2015

New comic book day is every Wednesday and this week there are some really nice all age comics in the mix this week. These are the comics that are appropriate for young readers and don’t have any mature or adult themes. This week have included Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. These comics have lots of action, but are OK for any age reader. Obviously you don’t want your child to mimic any of the ninja moves, so just be aware that all of these comics aren’t kittens and butterflies-and that’s a good thing.

This week we’re really pumped about the new Sonic Universe as it kicks off the Mega Man crossover event this summer. Garfield, Batman, Spider-Man, Adventure Time and Bart Simpson also make an appearance in their new comics this week.

The links will take you to TFAW (Things From Another World) where you’ll save at least 10% on comics. If you want to get them the day that they come out then follow this link to find the comic book shop closest to you.

New all age comics for Wednesday May 27, 2015

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What the kids are watching on Netflix #StreamTeam

We were compensated for this post and are part of the #StreamTeam with Netflix. All thoughts are our own. Summer is here and that means that the kids will be looking for things to do. We’ve crafted out a schedule that includes various summer camps, some home education, lots of play and their television time too. The kids are watching some new programs and I just discovered one that they (AND the parents!) will absolutely love. I also found a couple great films that I’m stoked about seeing again.

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