Our top 9 second tier children’s television shows on Netflix #StreamTeam

Hey there, we’re part of the StreamTeam for Netflix and received product for this post. All thoughts are our own and these shows really do rock. Our children are 4 and 6. Sometimes they watch television for relaxation and sometimes it’s done because I need them to sit and be quiet for a predetermined amount of time while I make dinner, finish a phone call or simply need a buffer for a moment. These are 9 of the children’s television shows on Netflix that we use as our go-to when we need that moment of zen.

These don’t include the obvious choices like The Clone Wars, Mighty Machines, Phineas and Ferb and Curious George. We’ll also try not to include television shows that we’ve previously highlighted, because variety is the spice of life, isn’t it?

Our top 9 second tier children’s television shows on Netflix Continue reading Our top 9 second tier children’s television shows on Netflix #StreamTeam

Digimon Fusion Season 1, Volume 1 is on DVD

Anime fans in the United States have had to wait to watch Digimon Fusion on DVD. The series airs in English on NickToons and the second season is on the air now. Granted Digimon Fusion has been available on video, but it’s been the Japanese export and unless your Japanese was very good you weren’t able to understand most of it. Digimon Season 1, Volume 1 is now available on a 3 disc collection with 330 minutes of digital creatures and teen heroes.

Digimon Fusion Season 1, Volume 1 is on DVD

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New all age comic books for Wednesday, September 23, 2015 #NCBD

Happy new comic book day! Brace yourself for a brand new Snoopy graphic novel-Where Beagles Dare is a full length story, akin to the classic ones that they turned into half hour television specials. The conclusion of Princeless Be Yourself, Over the Garden Wall #2 is great fantasy, Sonic Universe #80 and more come out this week.

A new mini-series in line with Wild’s End comes out too. Wild’s End Enemy Within #1 (of 4) is a unique melding of WWII and wild farm critters like toads, mice and such. The art that we’ve seen is really amazing and we’ll be giving this book a review later this week.

The links will take you to TFAW, where you’ll save at least 10% on your order. If you’re looking for the closest shop to you then check out Comic Shop Locator. We look at the new all age comic books every week, if there’s a specific book you’re curious about just ask us! We’re also starting a podcast on this and other topics, just search Daddy Mojo, all age comic books or parenting in the podcast search on iTunes.

New all age comic books for Wednesday, September 23, 2015
  Continue reading New all age comic books for Wednesday, September 23, 2015 #NCBD

Lumberjanes #18, believe the hype on this all age comic

Creating a great all age comic is thin line. Is it a boy’s comic? If so, don’t make it too girly or they’ll demo out of it quickly, if they read it at all. If it’s aimed at the girls then it’s a rare breed of comic that is usually set in Riverdale. * Lumberjanes is from Boom Studios and has been building buzz since its first issue.  We read it a couple times and meant to write about it, but got distracted by shiny objects or cat videos. However, after reading a handful of issues it’s apparent that Lumberjanes is the comic that you need to read that you might not be reading.

Lumberjanes 18, believe the hype on this all age comic

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New All Age Comic Books for Wednesday September 16, 2015

Happy #NCBD ! New comic book day is yielding some new all age comics for everyone. This is the list that highlights the new all age comics that are released in a given week. All of these comics are OK for all ages, but some ages won’t enjoy them. Case in point are the new Princeless comics this week. Princeless Raven Pirate Princess and Princeless Be Yourself don’t have anything objectionable in them and have fabulous role models, but their realistic style might not be something that a five-year old wants to see.

It’s not that all ages comic books have to have an anime look about it with all of the characters having soft, rounded features. It’s the content that makes up something that’s OK for any age. A great example of this is a conversation with a seven-year old I had recently. I gave him a stack of our son’s all ages comics and some of our graphic novels. He looked at our graphic novels and wanted to see the action and superheroes that his friends like, but asked if there was blood. “Yes”, I told him. An all age comic book isn’t about lack of story or young elements, it’s about content and what is appropriate for kids.

New All Age Comic Books for Wednesday September 16, 2015

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New all age comic books for Wednesday, September 9, 2015

It’s a great day to discover some all age comic books. This past weekend I went to Dragon Con and there were some awesome comic creators that I heard speak and had a chance to meet. Jeremy Whitley, the creator of Princeless and writer for My Little Pony among other titles was there talking about the importance of all age books to hook young people into reading. Any Runton from Owly and Bob Camp, the Creative Director (and cartoonist) on The Ren & Stimpy show were also on that panel. Tracey Yardley, the all ages comic artist who has drawn Sonic the Hedgehog since 2005 and whose new all ages book, Galaxy Man & Cosmic Girl comes out very soon.

Speaking with all of them was a real hoot and reminded me of the first place that many youth encounter comic books-the library. They all said that your local public library was a great place to get up to speed on characters or discover new ones that might be just what your young reader is looking for.

New all age comic books for Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Continue reading New all age comic books for Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Cosplay photos from Dragon Con

Just because the parade was the other doesn’t mean that the cosplay photos from Dragon Con let up. In a way the photos only get better because the costumes really shine. The fan groups meet for their group shots, there is a little more room to move around and you’ll see costumes that flew under the radar if all you see is the parade. We saw a proposal (she said yes!) and so much more. Literally, you can take hundreds of photographs at Dragon Con but then you’d stop in the walkway (a big no-no) or put so much pressure on you to take photos that you don’t enjoy it.

We also went to a couple seminars, learned some Sesame Street history, saw a Flash panel, got educated on podcasting and much more. If you like fun and can handle big crowds, put Dragon Con on your “to visit” list next year. Having said that, we’ve still got one more day of seminars and fun.


Celebrate Force Friday with these Star Wars kitchen tools

Force Friday is upon us! That means oodles of new Star Wars Toys just in time for when the upcoming The Force Awakens hits theaters. We love our toys. More specifically our boys will love the new Star Wars toys. However, what about you, the person who cooks, spends a lot of time in the kitchen and still wants to get your Force Friday on in cooling style?

There are options beyond the Han Solo Ice Cube tray that you might have seen, which is still awesome by the way. How about a pizza cutter with light saber sounds, Star Wars X-Wing Bottle Opener or a R2D2 Bottle Stopper for those thirsty wine drinking Jedis?

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