New all age comics for December 30, 2015

The last new comic book day of 2015 and publishers are taking it easy on the all age comic crowd. There are less than half of the normal amount of new releases, but still one or two to tempt parents to drive the kids out. Transformers Robots in Disguise Animated, Spidey, Jughead and Figment among others hit shelves.

If there’s nothing that strikes your fancy new this week then check out our list of the top 10 all age graphic novels in 2015. There are classics, new titles that blew us away, great art, action, deep thoughts and literally something for every age and interest. Bonus: we’re also giving away a copy of Mickey Mouse The Mysterious Crystal Ball and Princeless Volume 4: Be Yourself.

New all age comics for December 30, 2015

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The Best All Age Graphic Novels in 2015

2015 was a very good year for some of the all age comics. As a result there were some great graphic novels that collected those comic books. This is our list of the ten all age comics that we liked the best. It’s a good mix of classic books, new characters, art and publishers. Of course this list can’t include all of them, but we wanted to include some of the ones that you know about, as well as, a couple that probably flew under your radar.

If we were to include two more to our list it would certainly be Princeless Volume 4: Be Yourself and Mickey Mouse: The Mysterious Crystal Ball. Princeless is an action driven comic with a girl lead about vampires, royalty, monsters and fighting while Mickey has some of his classic stories that are printed on their new comic home of IDW. Big thanks to Previews World for offering up these two graphic novels to be given away.

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Age of Reptiles, Ancient Egyptians

Similar to Mouse Guard, except wordless with gorgeous art that makes you want to slowly turn each page as you follow these massive beasts around. Some of the art is bloody and might be too much for younger readers, but kids 10 and up who are down with dinosauria will absolutely love this.


Ghostbusters Get Real

Ghostbusters is a great comic for any age. It’s got good memories for older readers, good vocabulary for younger readers and art that anyone will enjoy.



This is the comic for kids who are looking for something fresh, original and something that you (especially girls) can relate to. With great art, clever stories and dialogue that will make anyone laugh this series is as good as comics for any audience get.


Jin Henson’s Storyteller Witches

Storyteller Witches had some of the best story and art of any book this past year. It’s not graphic or for adults, but it’s story is sometimes dark and might not interest younger readers. However, for kids 9 and up who like great art and clever stories this collection of four stand alone stories is fabulous.

Mouse Guard, Legends of the Guard, Volume 3

The story of mice gathering in a local bar to tell stories doesn’t sound like much on the surface. It’s the art and the story that made Mouse Guard one of the most enjoyable books of the past year for us.



Pick a Peanuts any Peanuts. Almost every printed story from them has been re-published in the past year. However, pay attention to the graphic novels that collect the new comic books. They have new stories, the same classic art and characters that feel fresh and still tell great stories.


Planet Gigantic

Similar to the above title, the plight of a brother and sister who are stranded on a planet isn’t engaging on the surface. However, mix in a bit of pulp/noir feel, action, just a shade of unpredictability and family and you’ve got a great graphic novel for any age.


Regular Show

Take the wit from the Regular Show on television, write new episodes and put them straight to comics and this is what you’ve got.

Simpsons Comic Explosion

In theory any Simpson’s graphic novel could make this list. If you’re only familiar with the television show then do yourself a favor and dig into any of their graphic novels.


Terrible Lizard

The premise of a teen girl with a pet dinosaur is cliché, but this book rocks. All of the characters have wit and the art is real, comic and fun. Fun-you and kids will have a kick reading this book.


New all age comics for Wednesday December 23, 2015

Happy new comic book day! It’s every Wednesday and this week is skinnier than usual, which has its pros and cons. One of the bigger pros is that school is out and you can take the kids to the store with you.  The con would be that there are fewer new single issues to look for, so it’s a great time to look at some back issues or graphic novels if nothing this week tickles your fancy for all age comics.

Mega Man #55, Peanuts # 29 and Wilds End Enemy Within #4 is great for kids 10 and up who are down with something out of the box, intelligent and deeper than the average comic.

If you’re getting caught up on older graphic novels, perhaps for stocking stuffers, may we suggest any of the Regular Show, Lumberjanes or Ghostbusters Get Real. They’re all fabulous for any age, especially those 7 and up. It’s also worth mentioning Terrible Lizard and Planet Gigantic, both are really entertaining, have great art, strong female characters, big action and are worth checking out.

New all age comics for Wednesday December 23, 2015


What’s the best sci-fi on Netflix now? #StreamTeam

We’re part of the #StreamTeam and were compensated for this. OK, the ‘best’ sci-fi on Netflix is open to interpretation. In this specific case we just wanted to highlight a smattering of offerings; a couple that might fly below radar, one or two that are classics and a couple cheesy films that have aged fabulously.

Consider these first two, the Kurt Russell block. In the moment his early to mid 80’s films were topped with the same amount of cheese. However, when you look back at the breadth of his work from that time period, Overboard, The Thing and our first two it’s obvious that he’s an actor’s actor who is often the brightest spot in every film he stars in.

What’s the best sci-fi on Netflix now? #StreamTeam Continue reading What’s the best sci-fi on Netflix now? #StreamTeam

Star Wars: The Force Awakens spoiler free review

Read on, as with most Star Wars: The Force Awakens reviews, this one is spoiler free. This film is the largest Event film in decades. Sure teen vampires and middle Earth were event films, but they pale in comparison to the hype,  hoopla and scope of anything involving this.  Skeptical I was about the new films, especially after the most recent three. However, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is great. It’s the most enjoyable film in the cannon of Star Wars. For us, it tops A New Hope and goes Empire Strikes Back on the film that inspired the term when a sequel is better than the original.

Star Wars The Force Awakens spoiler free review

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All age comics for December 16, 2015

How is the gift giving going? If you’re in a jam for something to give a young reader why not consider a comic book? It’s a great way to make them want to read, get their imagination going and have lots of fun. There are lots of great books for boys and girls like some of this week’s new all age comics by Adventure Time, Jem & The Holograms, Grandpa Simpson, Lumberjanes, Marvel Universe Avengers, My Little Pony and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.

All age comics for December 16

Those are some of the staples. If your reader is looking for something a little more independent, for that all important street cred, have them check out Rocky Bullwinkle Classic Adventures. This trade paperback collects issues 1-12 of the Golden Key comics that were published in 2962. It’s a timeless classic that’ll let the kids know that a generation before mom and dad knew how to kick it too.

There are also some good action titles like Teen Titans Go! and Star Wars Rebels Magazine #2 coming out this week.  Uncle Scrooge, a couple Archies and some other great titles give you lots of options to choose from if you’re looking for a good Christmas present.

Win a 6 month membership to Netflix #BPopEvents

Three years ago we cut the cord and have been streaming our entertainment ever since. It started out as a means to save money. However, as time went on we discovered that we were watching better quality television (and movies) in less time. Netflix is where the kids and I spend most of our TV time. There is always something on that they want to watch. We create profiles so that the kids can only be tempted by the age appropriate programming. My wife and I can then go into our profiles and watch the things that we want to.

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New all age comics for Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Happy new comic book day! It happens every Wednesday at your local comic book store when they receive the new ones. While the new books that are OK for young readers varies from week to week, there are at least a dozen and a half every week. This week in all age comics brings a couple great graphic novels, the start of a potentially cool mini-series for readers 10 and up, Guardians, Mickey and TMNT.

If your child is into fantasy then they’ll want to check out Wakfu, #2 of an 8 issue mini-series comes out this week. It’s based on the popular video and card games that is already really popular with kids 9 and up.  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Amazing Adventures and Marvel Universe Guardians of the Galaxy, two titles for the action comic set are great too.

New all age comics for Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A new mini series that has Batman meeting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Gotham City starts. This look great for kids 10 and up because it’s got the real feeling that some of the Batman books have.

To find your closest comic just dig into the link and go visit them to look at the all age comics. The links on each comic book will take you to TFAW, where you’ll save up to 20% on each order.

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