The state of Daddy Mojo and what to expect from us

First off, thanks for being here.  Like the classic song from Expose, Seasons Change, I wanted to loop you in on what to expect from Daddy Mojo. The site has evolved since our rambling travel stories and confused child questions when we weren’t sure how to change a diaper.  Now that our kids are older we’ll still write (and review) about baby products, parenting tips, poop culture and more.  However, a couple new categories have entered the fray that warrants some explanation.

Daddy Mojo

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Our #LeeGoodDeed challenge with Lee Jeans was win/win

I partnered and was compensated by Life of Dad, LLC and Lee for this.  All thoughts are our own and we do love wearing pants. As part of our #LeeGoodDeed challenge we were offered 4 options by Lee Jeans.  Because of the hectic nature of the week and the ages of our children the one that made the most sense was to take a friend’s children for the day.  That brought our net total of children to four and thanks to my wife and serendipitous timing of multiple community events our day was packed.

Lee Jeans and dad out with the kids

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Moms With Apps tips for gifting and twitter party on 12/3 at 12PM ET #Ad

This post is brought to you by The Motherhood and Moms With Apps. All opinions are my own.  Apps are the new gift card to children who learn from tablets. Parents want the apps to have value, not be a waste of their money and to do what the child needs to accomplish from their tablet.  We’ve mentioned before about how Moms With Apps shortcuts the search criteria for parents looking for the correct app.  You can search by device, age range, subject and more.  But, how should you handle your app quest when it’s being used as a gift?

Moms With Apps screenshot


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Can parents really not have a favorite son?

When I was in school I had a friend whose father preferred his sister. The reason was that the father expected his daughter to cheer and the son to play football. Unfortunately for the son, he was just over 5ft tall. My friend could never get over the fact that he wasn’t acceptable to his father simply because of his height.

Two children, how can you really have a favorite son

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Moms with Apps survey: results and concerns from parents

This post is brought to you by Moms With Apps and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.  As a dad with devices in the house we download some apps.  Previously we wrote about Moms With Apps and how it can really save parents time when and money when it comes to downloading the correct children’s apps.  In October they surveyed more than 450 parents to get their thoughts about children’s apps and the findings were right in line with our thoughts, with one big exception.

Moms With Apps survey results

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National Geographic Kids Cook Book review

We received a copy of the book for review purposes and are a National Geographic Kids Insider for 2014.  All thoughts are our own.  No stunt cooking was involved in the post. I cook most of the food for the family, but I’m not really a cook.  I’m good at experimenting in the kitchen at things with things that, most of the time tastes great.  I sometimes don’t follow the recipes….so when things fall flat it’s usually my fault.   However, since our sons see me cooking I know that I should be using recipes, at least until they’re old enough to experiment on their own.  Our oldest has latched onto what he calls ‘my cook book’, which in reality is the National Geographic Kids Cook Book.

National Geographic  Kids making smoothies

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Medikidz Explain Seizure Assistance Dogs, a medical comic book kids can relate to

Medikidz is a series of comic books that explain medical conditions.  What is impressive about the series is that they potentially complex conditions in ways that children can relate to and understand.  We received their current comic book Medikidz Explain Seizure Assistance Dogs to look over and it does do a great job breaking down what a seizure is and how an assistance dog can help children with Epilepsy.

Medkidz Explain Seizure Assistance Dogs comic book

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Children’s birthday party etiquette, presents and more

We just finished going through 4 children’s birthday parties over the past month.  They were for kids 3-10 years old and each one had a different theme.  In one facet or another they were all great, but we learned lots about how much to spend on presents, where to have the party, what to do at the party and how to RSVP that might save you some headaches.

Birthday party cake

Continue reading Children’s birthday party etiquette, presents and more

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