How waiting tables can help you be a better parent

Working as a waiter in a restaurant is one of those life skills that you don’t realize is a life skill when you’re doing it.  Similar to some people I worked as a waiter when I was between jobs or attending school.  I didn’t realize it at the time, but those skills that I learned during those many restaurants have improved who I’ve become as a parent. Continue reading How waiting tables can help you be a better parent

What does a stay at home dad do on Mother’s Day?

In a stereotypical situation the mom takes care of the kids, goes shopping, does some errands and cooks.  In those situations the ideal gift for Mother’s Day is a day at the spa or time away from the family.  This would leave the father in charge of the family where it’s presumed that the house would implode, the hot water heater would burst; no diapers would be changed and if they were it would result in the babies poop ending up on dad’s face.

Continue reading What does a stay at home dad do on Mother’s Day?

April iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

Our iPad is a great piece of machinery.  As Toddler Mojo gets older we’re learning more and more that it can be an invaluable tool in educating him and keeping dad sane.  The iPad sure isn’t a toy.  However, all of those stories you hear about children loving the iPad are true and sometimes those quiet moments your child has with it are priceless.

Here are three great apps that can really help out mom and dad when yon toddler needs a distraction. Continue reading April iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

A bunny is a bad gift this Easter

As an animal guy this dad is all for getting a pet for the family.  Any pet that is being adopted should always have plenty of thought regarding expenses, lifestyle and considerations if said pet is appropriate for your situation.  Lastly, the adoption process shouldn’t be motivated by popular trends or holidays.  If Disney releases a movie about the cute exploits of a porcupine dog that smells of sulfur, but has cute eyes and loves children then parents around the world would be looking for this smelly beast to adopt. Continue reading A bunny is a bad gift this Easter

Daddy Mojo says: Pregnant women smell good

As a dad and comic book geek I often fantasize about super powers and which one, presuming I could have only one, I would choose.  It has to be a super power and not an object that gives you certain abilities.  So doing a Green Lantern or having multiple abilities like Superman or Spider Man isn’t an option.     Though, it would be cool to be able to control the fish like Aquaman, but then I’d totally have to lay off the seafood. Continue reading Daddy Mojo says: Pregnant women smell good

Doctor Dad and the cyclopean Venus Flytrap toddler

One day Toodler Mojo decided to sleep late.  Recently Toddler Mojo had been filled with mucus; the pack of snails had indeed bum rushed this helpless toddler and turned him into a slimy and angry little man.  He needed to sleep late.  However, upstairs my wife said, ‘sweetie, can you come up here?’

Guys know that tone of voice.  That tone of voice either says, please come here and explain what you’ve done or there is a genuine problem here.  Continue reading Doctor Dad and the cyclopean Venus Flytrap toddler

Dad hears Electrolytes but can only think Electro Woman

The other day Toddler Mojo didn’t have any mojo at all.  He was cranky, yelling at everything and was unpleasant to be around.  If he were 19 years old I would’ve told him to get his own apartment.  However, as he’s 18 months old I knew that something was up with our growing Mojo. Continue reading Dad hears Electrolytes but can only think Electro Woman

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