The Life and Times of a 2 year old toddler

The 2-year-old toddler is a running, curious creature.  Imagine the one thing that you don’t want him to do, go into or pick up and that’s exactly what they’ll do.  It’s like the Star Wars Jedi training orb, but instead of shooting lasers they’ll misplace dad’s car keys, cell phone or the remote control. Continue reading The Life and Times of a 2 year old toddler

The Way is an earnest father/son movie that entertains in many ways

The Way is the story about Tom (Martin Sheen), an American father who’s living a simple, successful life in California as an optometrist.  Tom’s son, Daniel (Emilio Estevez) is killed in an accident while walking “El Camino de Santiago”, a 500 mile trail that crosses from France into Spain.  Estevez doesn’t appear in the movie much, but did direct it.  After Tom arrives in France to collect the body he decides to embark on the pilgrimage that his son was doing.  Along the way Tom meets some fellow travelers who have their own reasons for doing the trek. Continue reading The Way is an earnest father/son movie that entertains in many ways

How do you deal with a stray dog when you’re with your child?

Loose dogs are everywhere.  Some areas have more than others and they vary in size.    Is it a stray/unwanted dog or simply a dog that got away from its home?  What you do about the stray dog depends on how involved you want to be in the situation.  Continue reading How do you deal with a stray dog when you’re with your child?

The first rule of underage MMA fight club is no cameras

The first rule of underage MMA fight club is….wait, who brought in the video camera?  Greenland’s Labour Club is a pub/entertainment complex in England.  MMA is Mixed Martial Arts; it’s a little bit of boxing with a whole lot of Steven Segal and Chuck Norris.  An 8 year old is that little boy that should be studying in the living room right now.  Combine all of them, add a bikini ring girl and 250 observers ginned up on beer and you get this. Continue reading The first rule of underage MMA fight club is no cameras

Pregnancy week 36-be cool dads, only a couple weeks left

Whenever I’m about to go through something long or painful I imagine myself after that event happens and what I’ll be doing.  That allows me to imagine myself after a dentist appointment, drive to the beach or conversation with my wife. Continue reading Pregnancy week 36-be cool dads, only a couple weeks left

Dressing like a toddler prostitute on Toddlers & Tiaras

Some topics just disappear.  It’s like advertising; the bad ads that don’t sell or generate controversy go away and are replaced by something new.  Our inner thoughts hoped that Toddlers & Tiaras would be like that, but six seasons in, this train wreck is still picking up passengers. Continue reading Dressing like a toddler prostitute on Toddlers & Tiaras

The life and times of a 23 month old

Our 22 month old son must have heard us talking about him.  Mom and Dad were figuring out how to socialize Toddler Mojo and he went and figured it out all by himself.   Now he approaches some kids his size, they speak their toddler slang, do the Jedi mind trick and follow each other around.      Continue reading The life and times of a 23 month old

A Dad’s primer on Pre Kindergarten

The other day I was hanging out with some other parents talking about Toddler Mojo going to pre-K.    I mentioned something casually and a friend said, “How many days is your child going to Pre K”?  Well five, of course, kids go to school five days a week everybody knows that.  It was then that I realized I needed to get up to speed ASAP on pre- K. Continue reading A Dad’s primer on Pre Kindergarten

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