Prior to Nothing I had not heard of it. The concept of doing nothing, like laying on the sofa watching sub-par movies of listlessly waiting for something to do has long passed us by, having coincidentally happened when we had our first child 15 years ago. In this case, Nothing: John Cage and 4’33” is an illustrated book about a composer and one of his most unique pieces. It was a composition that lasted for four minutes and thirty-three seconds and was completely silent.
Nothing, and everythingTag: Neal Porter Books
The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess, timeless excellence
Have you ever experienced something so awesome that you wish that you hadn’t seen it so that you could enjoy it for the first time again? Creepy Carrots was the last illustrated book to do this to us. On television, it was Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, however, those shows are most certainly for adults or some teens. As much as I enjoyed that, it’s the all-age entries that are more impressive. The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess is an illustrated book that roars up alongside its contemporaries and happily rises to the cream of the crop. Even a casual glance at the cover, seeing the wood graphics on the spine and the dozens of hidden details that are lovingly drawn in give readers the impression that they’re in for something special.
A new classic. Your grandchildren will be reading this in a decade or twoSong For Jimi is story-driven poetry with standout art for ages 7 and up
After reading thousands of illustrated books I just realized something about the genre. You do not need to read the entire book in one sitting. Granted, being able to read the book in its entirety is part of the appeal of an illustrated book. They tell a story in a large, oversized format that’s also loaded with illustrations. However, some illustrated books must be broken up into segments, nay, much like their thicker cousins, they too require chapters. Song For Jimi is the first illustrated book that has made us realize that when done properly, this format can be as much as a coffee table book, a multi-day read-aloud story to elementary school students and so much more.