The Man of Steel delivers on many levels-here’s why (spoiler free review!)

The Man of steel is an amazing movie on many levels.  Do you treat it as a reboot, comic book movie or action movie?  I like going to movies, really enjoy comic themed movies, but will honestly say when they’re disappointing (hello Iron Man 2!).  With all of that in mind, The Man of Steel is great any way you treat it. Continue reading The Man of Steel delivers on many levels-here’s why (spoiler free review!)

Epic isn’t really ‘epic’, but the under 12 crowd will love it

And the anime people will like it, but more on that in a moment.  Epic is a shrunken world story about the Leaf Men, who are protecting nature and the Boggans, who are out to destroy it.  There is also a scientist who is looking for this small world.  His daughter comes to visit for the spring, gets shrunken to Leaf Men size and the movie takes off. Continue reading Epic isn’t really ‘epic’, but the under 12 crowd will love it

Fast & Furious 6…cars, racing, action, repeat-set up for #7

Fast and Furious is the brother from another mother of The Expendables.    In a number of years we’ll be saying ‘really, there are 5 Expendable movies now’?    By then Fast and Furious will be on their 10th movie, will make hundreds of millions of dollars and be a guilty movie experience that people will semi enjoy. Continue reading Fast & Furious 6…cars, racing, action, repeat-set up for #7

Star Trek: Into Darkness-strong villain+classic cast=great

How to review a Star Trek movie, there are many ways, do I explore the mythos of the franchise and how the reboot treats the characters in their second outing?  I could just look at Into Darkness as if it existed in a vacuum and ignore the history.  It’s kind of like Christmas songs.  Just because someone records a Christmas song doesn’t mean it’ll be great, even if I love Christmas.  Continue reading Star Trek: Into Darkness-strong villain+classic cast=great

Watching Oblivion is not the end of the world-you’ll really like it.

End of the world and time travel movies are fascinating because, unless they’re really horrible, they look OK from one angle or the other.  There is also the steampunk element that make them visually fun, when done right.  Oblivion is an end the world movie that’s been compared to a live action version of WALLE. Continue reading Watching Oblivion is not the end of the world-you’ll really like it.

G.I. Joe: Retaliation review, redemption for the franchise

G.I. Joe: Retaliation was supposed to be released in the summer of 2012.  It was delayed; people blamed Channing Tatum, the competition it was up against or the filming of the 3D.  G.I Joe: Retaliation is fast cutting action that seems like a cousin to the action films of the late 80’s.  There are some laugh out loud funny one liners; the plot moves fast, there are dozens of ninjas, The Rock and Bruce Willis. Continue reading G.I. Joe: Retaliation review, redemption for the franchise

Oz the Great and Powerful review: perfectly entertaining

I’m not a fan of 3D movies and prequels are simply an excuse to revisit tired film franchises with new actors.  I have thought both of those things in the past and sometimes they are true.  Factor in that Oz is iconic material, you’re messing with arguable the most beloved movie of all time and any references will ruffle the feathers of people regardless of how well made the movie is.  Rest easy denizens of Oz, the new movie is at its best- truly wonderful and at its worst an OK movie with lots of fabulous effects. Continue reading Oz the Great and Powerful review: perfectly entertaining

Any day is a good day to watch A Good Day to Die Hard

The early reviews weren’t too kind about the new Die Hard movie.  My twitter feed was abuzz with sayings like ‘this Die Hard dies dead and should labeled DNR’. It scored 1 tomato on Rotten Tomatoes.  After watching the movie a good retort is that any day is a good day to watch A Good Day to Die Hard.

To be clear, this is not a great movie.  It’s not Lincoln, Argo, Life of Pi or even Battleship.  It’s not as awful as the really (good) bad reviews are and it’s not as great as…well nobody is saying that it’s great, but it is good and entertaining if you have the right attitude.  Continue reading Any day is a good day to watch A Good Day to Die Hard

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