Family planning with White Lion

Becoming a dad and having children is a heavy, life altering responsibility.  It’s loads of fun, but does require planning and advance thought.  When my wife and I were thinking about having a baby she asked me for a motivational song to help us get pumped about the pending parenthood.

“How about Wait, by White Lion”, I said without missing a beat. Continue reading Family planning with White Lion

A guy’s guide to frugal Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Attention guys:  Valentine’s Day is just over one month away.   Plan ahead and don’t get caught with that last minute box of chocolates and ‘coupon for loving’ that didn’t really work out so well the last time.  If you’re a boyfriend or husband, that special lady may say she doesn’t want anything but we all know what that really means. Continue reading A guy’s guide to frugal Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

A Dad gets Mommyitis

The other week my wife went to the chiropractor and was told that she has a case of “mommyitis”.  A quick search of our friend the internet will tell you that it’s defined as having a child with separation anxiety.  Alas, our doctor must not have gotten that memo because their definition was a pain in the elbow or triceps, caused by picking up a baby.

The doctor told my wife to stretch her arm, which she promptly told me to do to her.  I gladly agreed because I knew that my larger and stronger man arms could lift our child without any worries.  One week after her stretching routine my right tricep starts to burn.  Then the next week my left tricep starts to ache, burn and feel like I had gone through a brutal workout. Continue reading A Dad gets Mommyitis

A Dad and his gift card stand united for Mom

Gift cards were probably invented by a man.  This man may or may not have been a dad, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that were the case.  This dad had probably purchased, once too often a blouse, skirt or moo moo that were not the color or style that his spouse wanted.

Then again, it’s possible that a woman invented the gift card.  This woman; was probably a wife, whose knucklehead husband once bought her a moo moo. Continue reading A Dad and his gift card stand united for Mom

What Indiana Jones and television dogs taught this Dad about Parenting

I love the opening sequence in Raiders of the Lost Ark.  When Indy finally gets to the large room where the golden idol is he pulls out a bag of sand, shifts some of it out and then switches it out for the treasure.  It’s a clever trick and an accurate premise.  The treasure is on a pressure sensitive platform that triggers a huge boulder if something heavier or lighter is on it.

Prior to being a stay at home dad I used to do PR for an animal shelter.  As part of my job I would take cats or dogs to local television stations and tell the audience why they needed to adopt this pet.   Dirty little secret:  when I took cats, I always took kittens and when I took dogs I always had bacon in my pocket.

What could that sequence from Raiders and the experience with pets on live television possibly have taught me about parenting? Continue reading What Indiana Jones and television dogs taught this Dad about Parenting

A dad and mom play “did somebody step on a duck”?

As a stay at home dad I encounter lots of funny situations with my child.  Toilet jokes are the low hanging fruit in the blog world.  I made a pact with myself to avoid stories about the toilet, a moratorium if you will, for as long as possible.  I’m sure that when Baby Mojo gets to the potty training phase of life we’ll have more stories, some of which may actually be funny. 

 Speaking in a very technical sense, it’s not a story of the toilet, more accurately it’s a case of “did somebody step on a duck”?  Continue reading A dad and mom play “did somebody step on a duck”?

A parenting tip for maintaining the baby’s library

Both mom and I have been reading to Baby Mojo since he could open his eyes.  It started out with Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Ten Little Ladybugs and an assortment of other hardback books.  We have many more non hardback books, but quickly discovered that he would either eat them or destroy the pages. Continue reading A parenting tip for maintaining the baby’s library

A Dad’s guide to the pacifier

Prior to being a dad I didn’t know beans about the pacifier.  Now that I’m a dad I still don’t know beans about the pacifier because my wife told us that we wouldn’t be using one with our child. 

Husbands will attest to this that sometimes their better half will simply state that (insert activity or thing that you may, or may not want to do) will not be happening.    Most of the time your spouse will be correct and that thing either wasn’t needed, would’ve added needless danger, calories or really would’ve made your butt look big.  I’m not talking about those black pants, I swear sweetie.  Continue reading A Dad’s guide to the pacifier

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