That sounds like some code or warning that big box stores have, doesn’t it? In reality, Sea Lions In The Parking Lot is an illustrated book that looks at some of the ways that wildlife was affected during the height of the COVID pandemic. It’s a large book that sets up each scene with a half of a page to a page of text that vividly describes what it’s normally like for the animals. The next two pages are big, realistic illustrations of these otherwise wild animals in situations that are urban and strange.
Exactly how did the height of the COVID pandemic affect otherwise wild animals?Tag: Minedition
The Longest Storm is a timeless, new classic for the forever library
When The Longest Storm arrived at our house it felt like an old friend had come back home. It’s the first book that we’ve read by author/illustrator Dan Yaccarino, and we’re admittedly late to the party. Parents who have elementary-aged kids know his work from The Backyardigans, Doug Unplugged, I Am A Story, or any of his other creations that channel the feelings and emotions of that age. For us, The Longest Storm reminded us of a classic that we loved as a child, Harry The Dirty Dog. Yaccarino’s art style, the brevity of words, the stark-yet natural choice of colors, and the universal story make this a book that any young reader will enjoy.
Yeowza, here’s a book that says so much, while having such few wordsPangolina, realistic animal fiction that educates and entertains
Pangolina is my favorite Disney Princess. No, actually Pangolin is the commonly referred to name of Pholidota, the scaley-backed creature that looks like a small dinosaur with a really long tongue. When they get scared they curl up into a ball, resembling a massive Roly-Poly, rather than the world’s most trafficked animal. Pangolina, in this case, is also an illustrated book that manages to introduce young readers to this erstwhile mammal. What kids, as well as adults, will enjoy about the book is that it tells a story, has beautiful art, and the stamp of approval from Jane Goodall.

The King’s Golden Beard is a new children’s picture book classic
We haven’t read a children’s illustrated book like The King’s Golden Beard in a long time. It’s a timeless illustrated book that feels as old as the hills, yet as current as whatever is trending on social media now. It’s a book that’s short on words, but long on story, instead of letting the illustrations and the white spaces within the pages fill in the blanks for young audiences. The King’s Golden Beard is also very smart and treats those young readers, or anyone else who jumps into the book, like the intelligent readers they are, even if they suspect they know where the story is going.
This book is awesome, read on to see why