Mermaid Dance, a well built interactive board book that moves and charms

Who is the king of interactive board books? It’s not like there is a fiefdom of illustrators and authors battling it out for supremacy a la Survivor.  There is no tattooed ringleader with their arms outstretched asking the world whose house this is. These are interactive board books, the kind that toddlers, crawlers and pre-K kids love to paw over, pull their levers, wonder how the object on the page moves, and try their best to make the book unusable for future generations. Mermaid Dance is by the husband and wife team of Matthew Van Fleet and Mara Val Fleet. Matthew is the #1 New York Times Best Selling Author, behind Tails and Dog, as well as the Oscar the Octopus, Chomp Goes the Alligator, Dance, and more.

Mermaid Dance is an interactive board whose quality and durability is equaled only by its enjoyment by those young readers.
hardened souls who dislike all, Resistance is futile to this book

Oscar the Octopus, a learn the month book for ages 2-5

Matthew Van Fleet’s books have a way of transcending their audience. He makes books that are squarely aimed at preschool aged students as a way of teaching them some of the basics such as shapes, months, counting, senses and more. The reason that his books are memorable is because of his art and the story that they tell. Oscar the Octopus, A Book About the Months of the Year was previously titled October the Octopus and released as a huggable concept or puppet book.

Oscar the Octopus is a solidly constructed learn the month book by Matthew Van Fleet with flaps, tactile elements, big animals and lots to love.
Sturdy, durable and will last for years, that’s the caliber of Oscar The Octopus
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