Manga is an onion the size of a small city. There’s a manga for every genre and even some subsets within those genres. I’m no expert on the subject, so if you’re a manga fan factor in whilst I tell you about Manga Yokai Stories Ghostly Tales From Japan. This is a collection of stories that were originally compiled by Lufcadio Hearn in the late 1800s. As older stories go, they might change over time and Manga Yokai Stories Ghostly Tales From Japan have been retold by Sean Michael Wilson. There’s a preface in the book from Wilson that explains how and why he crafted the stories. They do stick very close to the traditional stories but might have been tweaked to better conform with the pacing of a graphic novel or manga. The result is a fascinating look that’s part cultural history, dread, and horror that serves as an example of what makes manga so popular with millions of fans around the world.