Win a copy of The Exorcist 40th Anniversary on Blu ray DVD

One thing about great movies that were made back in the day is that they will receive a second, or third life as viewing formats change.  The 40th Anniversary of The Exorcist is out on Blu ray DVD, includes a copy for digital download and will impress you even more.


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Win the family friendly movie, The Croods on Blu-ray-out on 10/1

If you like animated, family friendly movies you probably saw The Croods when it came out.  It’s the kind of stylish animated film that parents can enjoy and children can laugh out loud, be silly and watch it again and again. DreamWorks Animation’s The Croods is coming out on Blu-ray DVD on 10/1 so that moms and dads can see them again or meet them for the first time. Continue reading Win the family friendly movie, The Croods on Blu-ray-out on 10/1

Dad Spends a Night in the Mancave: Sherlock is top notch

I love my Roku.  We disconnected cable many months ago, purchased one and live off NetFlix, the occasional Hulu and sometimes live TV.  The benefit of this is that we’ve discovered dozens of new shows.  I finally get Doctor Who now, which in turn led me to Torchwood (even better) and the new Star Trek movie led me to Sherlock. Continue reading Dad Spends a Night in the Mancave: Sherlock is top notch

Join @Sears twitter party #UltimateFootballExperience, 1/31, 1PM EST

So this weekend is the Super Bowl.  It’s part pop spectacle, cultural phenomena, a buffet of tasty snacks interspersed with great commercials and 60 minutes of football.  Prior to this Sunday’s madness join in on the #UltimateFootballExperience with @Sears on 1/31 at 1PM EST for prizes, TV talk and probably some football smack talk. Continue reading Join @Sears twitter party #UltimateFootballExperience, 1/31, 1PM EST

Dad Spends a Night in the Mancave: The Expendables 2 review

We reviewed The Expendable when it came out and it was serviceable, but not really entertaining.  I remember that The A-Team came out about the same time and we loved that movie.   At the time I even said that the wrong movie received the green light for a sequel.  Fast forward two years, The Expendables 2 is out on video and is entertaining, fun, brisk and worth your mancave time. Continue reading Dad Spends a Night in the Mancave: The Expendables 2 review

Animal Man, Vol 2 Animal Vs. Man is weird, creative and wonderful

Animal Man, Vol 2 Animal Vs Man is the graphic novel that collects issues 7-11 in the series.  Buddy is Animal Man, a somewhat normal hero who can channel various powers from the animals.  Maxine is his daughter who, in addition to Buddy can interact with The Red.  The Red connects humans and animals and allows animal powered heroes to get their powers.  Socks is their cat, who is actually a Totem who can speak to them about The Red and things that will happen to them.

Are you confused yet?  If you are don’t worry, just go with it because Animal Man is the best comic I’ve read from The New 52 re-launch of DC.   Continue reading Animal Man, Vol 2 Animal Vs. Man is weird, creative and wonderful

Date night: Food for A Cabin in the Woods #CouchCritics

Date night for married folks can take many forms.  Sometimes it’s a spontaneous night on the sofa or perhaps an evening that’s planned out where you get a baby sitter and actually leave the house.  It is so important for couples to leave the house once in a while.  We do have those nights, but more often than not we have movie night at Chez Mojo. Continue reading Date night: Food for A Cabin in the Woods #CouchCritics

Taken 2 is exactly what you want it to be

When Taken came out in 2008 it was a movie that my wife and I loved.  For me it brought back memories of classic Eastwood and Bronson, but with more plot development and bigger stunts.   Taken also had an artsy vibe to it that legitimized it as more than an action movie.  Continue reading Taken 2 is exactly what you want it to be

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