For storage or showing off, PrimeTime Lockers from GarageWorks has game #Ad

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Gladiator® GarageWorks for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Gladiator® GarageWorks and their PrimeTime Lockers are lockers, but they’re so much nicer than those that I remember from when I went to school.  Granted I was a skinny teen then, but I think it’s much more than age.  These are cool lockers.  I see GarageWorks in the title and I think that this locker is too nice for our garage in its current condition.  I either need to clean the garage or keep our UGA PrimeTime Locker in the office.

UGA PrimteTime Locker from GarageWorks

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MythBusters 10th Anniversary Collection giveaway & review

Has it really been 10 years of MythBusters?  Since they’ve released their 10th Anniversary collection, I guess so.  We watched a couple episodes from the collection and were pleasantly surprised at how well the series has aged.

MythBusters 10th Anniversary Collection giveaway

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With TuneIn I travel to Japan, France-anywhere, without leaving home

I have partnered and was compensated by Life of Dad, LLC and TuneIn for this promotion I’m kind of a radio snob.  I worked in radio for many years and am thankful that I don’t work there anymore.  Pick a style of music, any music and it repeats and repeats-every 4-5 hours with a key couple of songs.  I love most forms of music too, but my ears crave new sounds.  To make matters more challenging I’m a music worker and am more productive when music is in the background.  TuneIn is the app that brings me back to radio, makes me thankful for aspects of it and allows me to travel the world from my smart phone.TuneIn App and their selection

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Merry Christmas: 1 year Netflix streaming giveaway #StreamTeam

We’ve been a streaming only household for two years.  It is awesome and we have never looked back.  Not only have we saved money we have altered the way that we watch television.  Instead of just sitting down and flipping the remote, we now search and turn the TV off if nothing interests us.  Netflix has certainly been a part of that.  We’ve discovered dozens of new shows and our children only know that as the way to get entertainment on television.  This giveaway for a year membership to Netflix is worth $107 and will literally entertain you for 365 days.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Game of Thrones Season 3 Blu-ray DVD giveaway #BPopEvents

Television shows aren’t supposed to get this good as they continue on.  Breaking Bad was the one that continually got better and better, with little to no ebb in quality.  Game of Thrones is like that too, it keeps getting better and better.  Game of Thrones Season 3 is out on Blu-ray and is epic in scale, production and expectations.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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True Detective Blu-ray DVD giveaway #Bpopevents

True Detective  was one of those shows that built up an audience because of its craft and presentation.  It was all the more remarkable that it did this in 8 episodes.  The atmospheric, dark drama put together a taut story with high point performances by the two leads, Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey.  If you didn’t see the show on HBO here’s a quick look at the trailer so you can see why you need to win this DVD.

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By Grabthar’s Hammer, Galaxy Quest has aged well #StreamTeam

We’re part of the #StreamTeam for Netflix and were compensated for this post.  All thoughts are our own and this film really is awesome yo. With a happy grin when I checked out the ‘Recently Added’ movies on Netflix to see that Galaxy Quest was put up.  It’s been 14 years since I saw it last, remembered how much I loved it and wanted to see how it held up in the first decade of the new millennium.  Both of our children are too young to appreciate the film so I planted myself on the sofa and was relieved to find out that Galaxy Quest hasn’t aged too much.  If you haven’t seen Galaxy Quest here are 5 simple reasons why it’s one of the best comedies or science fiction movies on Netflix now.

Continue reading By Grabthar’s Hammer, Galaxy Quest has aged well #StreamTeam

It’s #HintingSeason at @BestBuy, LG OLED TV is great for the family (and me) #Ad

We’ve been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.  With Christmas and the holidays coming up you might be in the market for a new television.  If you’re looking for something really and truly cutting edge you have to look at the LG OLED TV.  That’s whole lot of capital letters that add up to one of the most unique, beautiful and great pictures that you’ve seen on a television.

Best Buy this holiday season

Continue reading It’s #HintingSeason at @BestBuy, LG OLED TV is great for the family (and me) #Ad

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