The Okee Dokee Brothers, Saddle Up is a kindie release that manages to embrace and straddle both sides of the proverbial fence at once. From the cover art to the name of the group, The Okee Dokee Brothers one might expect the music to be on the kid side of kindie. By that I mean description I mean that kids would enjoy it more than adults; sure it might be kindie, but that description is more aligned with puppets than serious musicianship. You know what I’m talking about.
However, much like Charlie Murphy and his judgment of Prince’s basketball skills, don’t judge a book by its cover. The Okee Dokee Brothers Saddle Up is satisfying from start to finish with complex, expertly performed songs that bring in a wide variety of instruments and song pacing.

What’s more, it does all of this while solidly being a kindie release that is something the entire family will want to listen to. This is not just a kindie release for those that like acoustic guitar. There are dozens of instruments on Saddle Up that give each song its own personality as the music takes you on their trip down through the United States. Continue reading The Okee Dokee Brothers, Saddle Up, rides strong for all