New all age comics for February 24, 2016

There is a certain ‘classic’ vibe about this week’s all age comics. It’s classic, but not stale or musty smelling, it’s the names that you know, but with new stories that can hook new audiences and keep the folks that know the characters from back in the day. This is the week that may parents can take their kids to the comic book store and purchase many of the same names that they knew, as well as, lots of great modern titles that are brand new to them too.

Mad Magazine, Futurama Comics, all age comics, Peanuts, classic, comic book store, comic book

Itty Bitty Hellboy: The Search for the Were-Jaguar #4 is great. This is the all ages version of the great hero Hellboy, the art is goofy, surreal and utterly OK for any aged reader. In humor this week, Donald Duck, Futurama Comics, Peanuts and Mad Magazine are out. Yes, Mad Magazine, at just under $5 this is the same, slightly crude humor that you laughed at and didn’t understand when you were 8 years old and hanging out in your friend’s tree house. The only difference now is that you understand all of the jokes and references. Kids 12 and up will be able to jump right into Mad Magazine and LOL with the best of them.

Back to the Future #5, Kaijumax trade paperback Volume 1, Transformers, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur and lots of other comics come out that are great for the all age sci-fi fan also.

In fantasy, older readers will want to check out Mezolith original graphic novel, Vol. 1. It’s 10,000 years ago and this book follows a tribe of hunters in stone age Great Britain. This will be too violent for younger readers, but kids 12 and up will love the art in this just released book on this side of the pond.

The links will take you to TFAW, where you’ll save up to 20% on your comic orders. If you’re looking for the closest comic book store to you just pop in your zip code to the comic book store locator and you’ll be jamming in no time flat.



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