DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-Install a toilet paper holder

The chimpanzees faced the monolith in 2001 A Space Odyssey.  They spent 20 minutes figuring out society, and then the monolith appears which rapidly increases the learning powers of the apes.  Next thing you know Roddy McDowell is wearing a monkey suit, Marky Mark does a bad remake and Rise of the Apes hits in August. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-Install a toilet paper holder

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-Replace a bathroom faucet

In our bathroom we have his and her sinks.   Each sink has its own accoutrements, soap stains and levels of dirt that happen naturally.  While I clean the sink area once I week, I’ll fess up that my side usually has a tooth paste glob on it, in addition to shave droppings.  That mess pales in comparison to the slippery funk that was in the drain area of my wife’s sink though. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-Replace a bathroom faucet

DIY a Stay at home Dad can do: Wall paper removal

My wife and I love our house, for us it is perfect.  When we have to move it’ll be because we’re old, gray and can’t make it up the stairs anymore.  If we have to move before then and don’t like the people who’ll be purchasing the house, then this dad will spend hours putting up wall paper.  Ugly, thick wall paper that will be immediately dated to an era when boy bands ruled and Good Vibrations wasn’t considered a cheesy song. Continue reading DIY a Stay at home Dad can do: Wall paper removal

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-repairing wall dings

Guys, dads, men: have you ever gotten the wrong kind of milk?  Your other half needs skim milk that usually has the red top, unless you go to a different store, which will have another color.   Sometimes you’ll reach in the area where the red topped skim milk should be, but somebody else had put a pink topped no fat milk there instead.

Either of these situations can happen and it’s not your fault, you just weren’t paying attention.  How does this milk parable parlay into a DIY project that is very basic? Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-repairing wall dings

Daddy Mojo’s Weed Challenge-update

When we last saw our competitors, Round Up and Ortho, they were busy fighting weeds in different parts of a busy dad’s yard.  Ortho was sprayed on the back porch and Round Up was sprayed in the front walk way.

It’s been almost two weeks and said busy dad hasn’t weeded the sprayed areas as he wants to see which one really kills weeds to the highest degree. Continue reading Daddy Mojo’s Weed Challenge-update

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-Woodpecker damage to the house

For the second year in a row a tiny harbinger of spring has made an unwelcome call at the Mojo house. As a child I watched his exploits on television and found them quite amusing. However, as a dad I find them annoying and costly of time and money.

How did my love affair with the woodpecker fall out of flavor? Our last house had asbestos siding. If a woodpecker were looking for food there all they would be met with are millions of tiny fibers that would either kill the bird or cause them to sue us. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do-Woodpecker damage to the house

Daddy Mojo’s Round Up challenge

And in this corner we have Round Up.  They’ve got a massive marketing budget and they’re one of the most well known weed killers in the marketplace.  The question that dads want to know is, does it really kill weeds and if so for how long?  As with our other competitor, Ortho, they have a guarantee, but does that matter? Continue reading Daddy Mojo’s Round Up challenge

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