Banksy Graffitied Walls and Wasn’t Sorry, fun, elementary outsider art

Banksy is the enigmatic artist whose minimalist work is immediately recognizable to some adults. It’s witty, smart, funny when it wants to be, and sends a message if that’s the intent of the piece. Banksy has inspired LEGO books on his art and always remains in the shadows, an unknown artist who uses previously naked buildings as his canvas. Banksy Graffitied Walls and Wasn’t Sorry is an illustrated book that’s on-level for elementary school readers, but will they know or care about this artist whose work can be esoteric, nuanced, or illegal?

Banksy Graffitied Walls and Wasn’t Sorry, an illustrated book look at this outsider artist, their work and exhibits for ages six and up.
This book works whether you know who Banksy’s art or not
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