Pablo and Splash: Frozen In Time, early elementary graphic novel greatness

Oh to be young, carefree and to enjoy things without being judged. Pablo and Splash: Frozen In Time take me away. This is a graphic novel whose core audience will know when it’s speaking to them and precisely when it’s not. It’s that narrow group of students in middle-elementary school who like to look at early reader graphic novels because of the illustrations, say they don’t like to read, but secretly don’t mind it if they’re left to their own devices. The go-to graphic novel in this class is commonly known as Dog Man, but Investigators is funnier (and has a wider audience), plus there many other examples that cross over into this Venn diagram.

Pablo and Splash don’t need no stinking laugh track

Tater Tales 2: The King of the World, a whole new rot (ten) world

The world of a character is only as big as the fishbowl it lives in. In the world of Rot, a mutant potato; he’s gone from solo stories to familial adventures that have taken place in illustrated books and early reader graphic novels. Tater Tales 2: The King of the World is the second release in this heavily illustrated chapter book series. One could also say that this is the second release in this early reader graphic novel series, and you’d be correct in that observation too. Whichever camp you’re in, this series is a knock-down great time, a hootenanny of early-elementary school joy that kids will laugh at as it’s read to them or grin with silent pleasure as they read it to themselves.

Tater Tales 2: The King of the World! establishes Ben Clanton’s Rot in an all-age graphic novel world of silliness, intelligence, and laughter.
Comfort food classic, but in a new, shiny wrapper.

Giddy joy abounds in The Cosmic Adventures of Astrid and Stella

Joy and utter happiness, there was a character in one episode of Phineas & Ferb that always amped up a party. It was the one where Cheesetopia in their backyard happened, and Perry was turned into a butler for Doofenshmirtz. The Cosmic Adventures of Astrid and Stella is a kid’s first graphic novel that lives and breathes happiness. Its colors, glossy pages, big illustrations, and emotive characters lovingly scream off of the pages in a way that will make early elementary school readers immediately attracted to the book.

The Cosmic Adventures of Astrid and Stella is a graphic novel that takes the joyous cues from Hello! Lucky and gives it a bigger, longer stage for early elementary.
Resistence to happiness is futile

Leon the Extraordinary, graphic novel gold for elementary ages

It’s a world where people with super abilities are common and Leon is just an average kid. Holy metaphors and feelings of life that any elementary school kid can agree with Batman! Leon the Extraordinary is a graphic novel that knows its audience. It has all of the feels, frustrations, and relevance that elementary school kids will understand. The hall monitor is bossy and bigger than life, the teachers are a little bit weird, the school bullies are much bigger than them, and he just wishes that he was a little bit more super.

Leon the Extraordinary is an elementary school-age graphic novel that runs with energy, a sense of joy and just enough feelings.
Leon’s getting larger
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