A Shot In The Arm!, the antibody of the graphic novel blaaahs

Discovery is a great thing and I love it when I find an author that was previously unknown to me. Just to be clear, in this instance I mean an author that’s written and published books and not an author that I discovered down at my local coffee shop. Don Brown is in the third book in his Big Ideas That Changed The World series on Amulet Books. I had seen the first and second books from the series in our elementary school library, and meant to read them, but got distracted by shiny objects or cat videos. A Shot In The Arm! is a non-fiction graphic novel that’s as great as any of the ones that we’ve raved about from :01 First Second books or Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales.

Big Ideas That Changed The World, A Shot In The Arm is an entertaining and fun history of vaccinations that curious kids will want to read.
The non-fiction graphic novel doledrums have met their match
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