All age comic books for March 4

This week in all age comic books is not much to laugh at. Well, almost. There’s only one humor graphic novel that elementary aged students will enjoy, but that is a big one. The newest collection, Big Nate Blow The Roof Off! is the kind of book that mid elementary school kids are curious about and those upper elementary ages will read and memorize. Middle school kids also will read Big Nate and know that this comic book parallels their lives. In the podcast we’ll talk about that, Magnificent Ms. Marvel, Marvel Action Captain Marvel, Ben 10 The Manchester Mystery and much more.  For now, here are all of this week’s all age comic books.

These are the new all age comic books for this week

Onward, keeping Pixar weird and wonderful

Keep Pixar weird. If it were a city then this could be its rallying call among some of its citizens. They’re the folk who’ve lived there for a long time and love the place, but they also like the time when it just got started. Onward is a film from brings the oddity back to Pixar does it with an original story that feels unlike anything they’ve done since the late 2000s. In short, Onward manages to assure critics of Pixar that they’re too reliant on sequels or need them to create ‘those’ moments that we’ve come to expect from them.

Onward is original, weird, emotional, creative, human and very fun
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