Mother’s Day gift-4 tickets to The World of Coca Cola

My Wife is great.  She’s a great Mother, fabulous Wife and my best friend.  Around gift giving occasions she’ll let me know exactly what she wants or needs.  Wait, it gets better; usually she wants a gift card to a store.  Score two man points in the good husband category. Continue reading Mother’s Day gift-4 tickets to The World of Coca Cola

Hulk smash: Free Comic Book Day is Saturday, May 5

For the past year my inner self has been writing a series of posts called Hulk vs. Batman.  The blog posts would consist of a review of each month’s issue of Batman and Hulk.  In reality it was just an excuse to try to deduct the cost of my comic books as a ‘business expense.’ Continue reading Hulk smash: Free Comic Book Day is Saturday, May 5

Teleflora gets your Mother’s Day going with flowers

Mother’s Day is May 13.  Granted it’s in a couple of weeks, but if you’re anything like me you’ll get distracted.  Repo Games will be on television, something needs to be duct taped, bacon could be eaten and look a squirrel with a fluffy tail!  You and I mean well, but life happens, things get in the way and Mother’s Day will be here before you know it. Continue reading Teleflora gets your Mother’s Day going with flowers

A tense dad with a bad back tries hot yoga

Through a series of events, typical ‘male’ posture and inflexibility I have some back issues.  I started seeing a chiropractor who commented that my demeanor seemed so relaxed, but when he tried to adjust me I was a tense wreck.  “What do you do to make yourself so tense?”; he asked.  I told him I’m a stay at home dad to 2.5 year old toddler and a 6 month old.  Continue reading A tense dad with a bad back tries hot yoga

Reasons why companies and brands need to respect Dads

The first annual Dad 2.0 conference is happening in Austin this week.  One topic that will certainly be discussed is dads, brands, advertising and how they can rectify reality with what really happens.  OK, in my ideal world that is how brands would start to work with dads.  In reality the conversation at Dad 2.0, relative to advertising and brands may be all about Huggies and not for the reasons they would like. Continue reading Reasons why companies and brands need to respect Dads

Huggies Dad Test campaign gets it mostly right

It’s great to be recognized.   Dads are often un represented in advertising and television.  If a dad is represented all too often he’s uncaring, aloof or flat out stupid.  Real life stay at home dads are guilty of playing into this stereotype too.  Sometimes an over the top representation of a dad is funny, sometimes not so much-it depends on the products and how well the spot is done. Continue reading Huggies Dad Test campaign gets it mostly right

My wife is a better mom, but I’m a better dad

When I started being a stay at home dad the little things irritated me.  The ‘moms’ club that wouldn’t allow dads for the play dates was annoying and made getting play dates more work.   When store clerks innocently said “so you’re staying home with the kids today?” I’ve simply learned to smile politely and tell them that I do this every day.    Continue reading My wife is a better mom, but I’m a better dad

Low hanging gift fruit for the wife: A canvas photograph

Sometimes when I have to buy a gift for my wife I look like a deer in headlights.  Gift cards to Soma, Michael’s, DSW or Home Depot can only go so far.  If you go to the gift card well once too often you spoil the water forever.   Sometimes a husband needs to plan ahead and really think about a gift for his better half.  Continue reading Low hanging gift fruit for the wife: A canvas photograph

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