Bon Jovi will be my son’s Led Zeppelin

I grew up in the 70’s.  I’ll save the What’s Happening jokes and Evel Knievel references for another post and keep this solely about the mystery and romance of radio.   During that time radio and basement listening, just like in That’ 70’s Show was the only way to get music.  Music didn’t get any better for the rock set than Led Zeppelin.  The other day I was driving, rocking out with the kids when I realized that Bon Jovi will be my son’s Led Zeppelin.

Continue reading Bon Jovi will be my son’s Led Zeppelin

MicroTouch ONE razor is an school shave in many ways, most of them not good

As a bald man I shave a lot.  I shave my head, I shave my face and we’ve got a body shaver for those times when I hit the beach and don’t want to be mistaken by a hunter during bear season. I’ve never had a Duck Dynasty or ZZ Top style beard, but I bet it’s one I could do with ease.  The MicroTouch ONE is the modern version of the classic safety razor.    For my shave it’s a step up from waxing but not quite as good as how we’re doing it now.

MicroTouch ONE Razor

Continue reading MicroTouch ONE razor is an school shave in many ways, most of them not good

Lad’s nads and women with smaller breasts are better mothers

A study came out this past week with the dubious conclusion that men who have smaller testicles are better fathers.   Those findings certainly make for lots of clever headlines and puns involving balls, nads, lads, dads, festival, technical, ethical and the upcoming election.  However, when you dig into the study it leaves room for many questions.  This caused me to make up a study that came to the conclusion that women with smaller breasts are better mothers.* Continue reading Lad’s nads and women with smaller breasts are better mothers

I’m kind of a #SuperMilkMan, you can be too #Ad

Did you see the Superbowl commercial starring The Rock?  It was the one where he ran out of mil at home and all manner of chaos happened when he went outside.  A bank was being robbed, a cat is stuck in a tree, zoo creatures escape and space aliens invade the city.

Continue reading I’m kind of a #SuperMilkMan, you can be too #Ad

A trip to purchase condoms gets awkward for dad

When I was 13 or so I went to the drug store to buy some condoms.   A group of guys dared me to do it because I was the ‘craziest’ and ‘would do anything’.   I was nervous when I bought the condoms and forgot what we did with them afterwards.  I think I just peddled off on my Huffy, went to a friend’s house and read comic books in their tree house.  Continue reading A trip to purchase condoms gets awkward for dad

Comixology giveaway for Maximum Carnage, just in time for Father’s Day

It was a more innocent time, Superman had just died and Spider Man had started his greatest storyline ever.  Maximum Carnage is The Great Gatsby of Spider Man stories.  A story that is large, has a massive cast, big special effects and would polarize people from every angle if it were ever filmed*.  Thanks to Comixology, we’re giving away Maximum Carnage. Continue reading Comixology giveaway for Maximum Carnage, just in time for Father’s Day

Sometimes you have to be ‘that’ dad

‘that’ dad can be taken many ways.  It’s the dad that is too protective, doesn’t allow freedom, wears annoying clothing or is hopelessly doing something that his children find embarrassing.   In this case I’m talking about that dad (or parent) that stops what’s happening when something is going on that is not right.  Continue reading Sometimes you have to be ‘that’ dad

Big Daddy’s Rules-a tough dads tale on raising daughters is charming and funny

In Big Daddy’s Rules, Raising Daughter is Tougher Than I Look we meet a dad of two young girls.  What initially makes the story engaging is that the dad is Steve Schirripa, actor and star of numerous TV hits including The Sopranos and The Secret Life of An American Teenager.  Steve is also a very large, intimidating man from New Jersey.  He fits the mold of an angry Italian onscreen and the written stories of him being a dad are educational, funny and something I could relate to. Continue reading Big Daddy’s Rules-a tough dads tale on raising daughters is charming and funny

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