Can the Brother P-Touch Ambassador Program help Mojo’s garage?

At one point in my life I was a messy, disaster of a man.  I’ve written here how I once had to clean my house with a leaf blower.  One would think that such a public (and noisy) display of messiness would convince me to clean up my act and to an extent that is correct.  On the positive side, I’ve never had to clean the house with a leaf blower again, but certain areas of the house, namely the garage and office, are in constant need of organization and a clean-up. Continue reading Can the Brother P-Touch Ambassador Program help Mojo’s garage?

A Dad’s primer on Pre Kindergarten

The other day I was hanging out with some other parents talking about Toddler Mojo going to pre-K.    I mentioned something casually and a friend said, “How many days is your child going to Pre K”?  Well five, of course, kids go to school five days a week everybody knows that.  It was then that I realized I needed to get up to speed ASAP on pre- K. Continue reading A Dad’s primer on Pre Kindergarten

Pregnancy week 32-Moms, you’re large, hot, tired and short

Pregnant ladies in the house, you’re all those things and a bag of chips.  I’m kidding about the bag of chips because that may be one of the few things you don’t have a craving for.  If you are craving a bag of chips then you can use another tired 90’s cliché like ‘talk to the hand’ or ‘don’t go there!’. Continue reading Pregnancy week 32-Moms, you’re large, hot, tired and short

The dirty little secret of a stay at home dad

My wife and I used to try to do it once a week.  That was the goal.  However, as with any family with an infant or toddler can attest, sometimes the time just gets away from you.  Now we’re lucky if we get around to it twice a month.  When we finally get down to business, it sometimes smells and you need a brush to clean the surface.  We just have to clean our toilet more often. Continue reading The dirty little secret of a stay at home dad

Pregnancy week 31-Moms, you may be uncomfortable

Pregnant ladies, as you enter the later parts to the first half of your last trimester you’ve certainly noticed a couple of things.  Dads, you’ve probably noticed these things too, but sometimes it’s best not to mention them to your spouse, they’re a little on edge now.  But not you honey, you’re as normal as you ever were.  Continue reading Pregnancy week 31-Moms, you may be uncomfortable

Dad spends a night in the mancave: Unknown

Sometimes an actor builds up such good will with their audience that they’re able to star in trite on wheels, but people will still see it and like it.  Maybe they won’t ‘like it’, but they’re not going to go out and trash it, usually.  Unknown tries to bank on this characteristic that exudes from Liam Neeson. Continue reading Dad spends a night in the mancave: Unknown

The life and times of a 22 month old

Just what does a typical 22  month old do?  Granted the answer to that question is subjective and totally depends on the parents.  However, as we’re on the cusp of having another child we’ve forgotten when to do things and what to expect.  Your toddler may vary; we’re just documenting this in case we have Unexpected More Mojo in two years, which is highly unlikely.  Continue reading The life and times of a 22 month old

A Dad goes to BlogHer 11

I was in the kitchen doing the dishes and Mommy Mojo said that she’d be upstairs packing my bags.  It’s not that she didn’t like me doing the dishes, it’s that we’re heading to San Diego for BlogHer11.  That begs the further question of why is my 7 month pregnant wife packing for me. Continue reading A Dad goes to BlogHer 11

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