Daddy Mojo watches TV: Up All Night

Up All Night is a new sitcom on NBC.  It’s described as an irreverent look at modern parenthood, with the mom going back to work and dad staying at home to care for their young girl.   Any show with a stay-at-home dad character can’t be all bad, so a real stay-at-home dad (with Mojo!) gave the pilot episode a try. Continue reading Daddy Mojo watches TV: Up All Night

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do- Babyproofing the house

In a couple of weeks our second child, More Mojo will be here.  As we prepare the infant clothes and get the nursery ready we’re relieved that the house is already babyproofed.  In hindsight it was easy to babyproof; we just didn’t do some of it in a timely manner.  Parents can avoid our mistakes by taking advantage of these helpful hints. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do- Babyproofing the house

Pregnancy week 35: Moms, your baby is a big as a honeydew!

Dads, by now your bride is tired of being pregnant.  She can’t sleep at night because of a little person is kicking and her bladder is being squeezed like Mr. Whipple with a roll of Charmin.  It won’t be much longer for either of you, be thankful for the sleep you have now.  Here are some of the highlights from week 35 of pregnancy. Continue reading Pregnancy week 35: Moms, your baby is a big as a honeydew!

Daddy Mojo reads: Finding Uri by Sandy Munro

Finding Uri is the true story of a father and son who never knew each other.  Uri was a WWII pilot, shot down in action, leaving behind a wife and their three year old son, Sandy. A year after his mother’s death, Sandy receives a box that contained hundreds of letters that his mother and father had written to each other.  To make the letters even more emotional, some of them were written after Uri’s death, but before Betsy knew.  Continue reading Daddy Mojo reads: Finding Uri by Sandy Munro

Dressing like a toddler prostitute on Toddlers & Tiaras

Some topics just disappear.  It’s like advertising; the bad ads that don’t sell or generate controversy go away and are replaced by something new.  Our inner thoughts hoped that Toddlers & Tiaras would be like that, but six seasons in, this train wreck is still picking up passengers. Continue reading Dressing like a toddler prostitute on Toddlers & Tiaras

The life and times of a 23 month old

Our 22 month old son must have heard us talking about him.  Mom and Dad were figuring out how to socialize Toddler Mojo and he went and figured it out all by himself.   Now he approaches some kids his size, they speak their toddler slang, do the Jedi mind trick and follow each other around.      Continue reading The life and times of a 23 month old

Pregnancy week 33-Moms, you’re hungry, yet repulsed by food

Moms, it’s just over one month before you’re greeted by your son or daughter.  Put another way it’s just over 14 years away before you have to say “You’re not leaving the house like that are you”?  Based on some fashion trends it may even be eight years before you have to say that. Continue reading Pregnancy week 33-Moms, you’re hungry, yet repulsed by food

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