Paint By Sticker Kids Christmas, a go-to activity for ages 5-10

Paint By Sticker Kids Christmas is the latest in the best selling activity series that’s been entertaining our kids for years. The concept behind these books is very simple. There’s a sheet that has a couple dozen stickers on it. Beneath each sticker is a number that corresponds to a number that’s within a blank space in the final image. Young mosaic artists will put the stickers in the picture one at a time until the final image is revealed.

Paint By Sticker Kids Christmas is the perfect activity for kids 5-10: help is not required, they have fun, it’s screen-free and allows them (and you) to relax.
This is the rare kid’s craft book that they can do 100% by themselves

The Kids’ Book of Paper Love, a craft haven for girls 10-14

Write, craft, play. That’s the backdrop to The Kids’ Book of Paper Love by Irene Smit & Astrid Van Der Hulst. For kids of a certain age this will be a creative cul de sac where they’ll be able to spend hours playing, dreaming and enjoying the love of paper. From the moment you pick up the book it’s obvious that there are details upon details lovingly crammed into every corner of every page. It’s thick, compact and just like those collector stamps at the post office, meant to be used.

The Kids’ Book of Paper Love is a well-made craft and play book, meant to be used, ripped, written in and cut for girls 10-14.
If you have a crafty girl, 10-14, this book is your happy place
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