When you have children that are older than kindergarten you miss out on certain cultural touchstones that might be unique to that generation. Every age and generation has their own thing that they respond to like a Pavlovian dog hearing a bell and knowing what that means. For pre-K and kindergarten ages one of the biggest things now is CoComelon. It was Greek to me until I was flailing about whilst substituting to a group of first graders. The lesson plan I was provided with ran short and I looked in my computer bag that doubles as a book bag, to see what I had. “You have CoComelon”, said one of the kids in a tone that bordered on inquisitive, a little surprised, and just a hint of ‘please don’t tell my friends that I still like them’. Yes, I had CoComelon, The Wheels on the Bus, and the first-grade class was promptly saved, or at least granted a five-minute lifeline until specials started.